Daily Devotional for January 7, 2021
Can’t Stop the Rain

Jasmine sat by the window, staring out at the rain falling from the sky. She was supposed to be having a birthday party outside with her friends, but thanks to the rain, that had to be canceled. Her parents’ house wasn’t large enough for all her friends.
She let out a sigh. “Why’d it have to rain today? Why not tomorrow? Why not yesterday?”
“Sweetheart.” Her mom stepped up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. “You can’t just sit here and watch the rain all day. Find something fun to do.”
“I don’t want to have fun by myself.” Jasmine pouted. “I want my friends to be here.”
“I know, Jasmine, and we wanted to give you a nice birthday party with your friends. I’m sorry the rain stopped us from doing that, but it’s just not a good idea to have everyone crowded in our small house during a pandemic. We’ll reschedule your party for another weekend. You can still have a good day though.”
Jasmine shook her head. How could she have a good day without her friends?
“Do you want to have a girls’ day?” Mom asked. “I could paint your nails.”
“No.” Jasmine sighed as she watched a wet squirrel grab an acorn from the sidewalk and scurry over to a tree. “I just want to watch the rain that ruined my day.”
“Oh, sweetheart.” Mom crouched down and put her arms around her. “That’s not a good way to spend the day. You can’t stop the rain, but you can keep going even when it’s raining. You can enjoy the day even though you can’t be with your friends today.”
Jasmine’s eyes filled with tears. “I wanted to have a party.”
“I know,” Mom said. “Jesus knows too. He loves you and cares about your feelings. And even though you’re feeling sad, you can enjoy this new day He’s given you. Why don’t you spend some time talking to Him about how you feel? He’s your Friend, and He’s always there to listen and help you.”
Jasmine brushed at her eyes. Maybe a girls’ day could be fun. And she did want to spend some time with Jesus. Besides, she was tired of sitting in front of the window. • Emily Acker
How about you?
Do hard times get you down? Do you feel like giving up when things don’t go your way? It’s okay to feel sad or disappointed when things don’t go as planned, but don’t forget that Jesus is with you every day. He’s always there to comfort you and remind you of His great love for you. He cares about you and will help you through the gloomy days. Each new day is a blessing from Him.
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