Daily Devotional for August 28, 2018

Canning the Word

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Canning the Word

Today's Verse

Psalm 1:2; 2 Timothy 3:14-17 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

“What a summer this has turned out to be!” said Dakota. “When we moved to the country, I thought I’d be riding horses and wading in the creek. But lately it seems like all I’ve been doing is snapping beans, husking corn, shelling peas, and now peeling peaches for canning and freezing.”

Mom smiled. “I think you’ve found plenty of time for fun things too, and when winter comes, you’ll be glad we have all this food preserved.”

Dakota shrugged. “Maybe,” she replied, “but I’m tired of it now!”

A few months later, shortly after Christmas, a blizzard began. Soon Dakota and her family were snowed in.

“Oh, Mom, what are we going to do?” Dakota asked as she stared through the window at the swirling snow. “It might be days before we can get out!”

Mom smiled. “Well, we’ve got lots of wood for the fire, and the freezer is full of meat. And we’ve got plenty of good home-canned food too.”

“That’s true!” said Dakota. “There’s no danger we’ll go hungry, is there?” She sighed. “But I’m so bored! It’s too windy and cold to play outside. What can I do that’s fun?”

Mom laughed. “You have lots of books and games and puzzles,” she said. “You could also memorize your verses for church.”

“Yeah, but I don’t see why we have to learn so many verses,” said Dakota. “We’ve got lots of Bibles—and you and Dad even have Bibles on your phones. Anytime we need a verse, we can just look it up.”

“Remember how you complained about all that canning and freezing last summer?” Mom asked. “Now that a storm came along and we’re snowed in and can’t get to the store, we’re glad we have lots of food stored up, right?”

“Sure,” Dakota said.

“Well, in life, you never know when stormy times will come. There may be times when you’ll face temptation, need to remember God’s love for you, or have a chance to tell someone about Jesus and it won’t always be possible or convenient to look up verses in the Bible or on a phone. Then you’ll be glad to have those verses stored in your heart so you can feast on God’s Word anytime!”

“So I should ‘can’ those verses?” Dakota asked with a smile. “Okay, I will!” – Barbara J. Westberg

How about you?

Do you memorize God’s Word? The Bible tells us all about Jesus, and memorizing it is a great way to help you remember His truth and share it with others. Verses you’ve learned can be a help, encouragement, and comfort to you. Think about what each verse means as you memorize. Then store it in your heart so you’ll have it whenever you need it.

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