Daily Devotional for September 3, 2017
Burger Blessings

“What beautiful zuccini!” said Mom as she and Alex walked in their garden. “God provides such wonderful food for us. He’s so good!” Alex smiled and nodded just as he got a text message.
“Kyle and his sister Evangeline invited me to go to Burger Palace with them,” he said. “Can I go?” Mom agreed, so Alex hurried off to join his friends.
When they sat down at the restaurant, Alex remembered how excited Mom was about God giving them garden food. If zuccini was something to be thankful for, burgers were blessings for sure!
I want to thank God for the food, Alex thought. He usually prayed before meals, but he hadn’t known Kyle and Evangeline very long and didn’t know if they were Christians. Will they understand? he wondered.
Kyle took a big bite of his hamburger, then looked at Alex. “Why aren’t you eating?”
Alex hesitated as Evangeline came to the table with napkins, then sat down and unwrapped her sandwich. Alex waited to see if she would bow her head. When she didn’t, Alex decided to ask about it, even though he was a bit nervous. “Um, can we pray? I just want to thank God for the good food He has given us.”
To Alex’s surprise, Kyle and Evangeline both looked up from their burgers and smiled. “Definitely!” said Evangeline. “We do that too. We completely forgot this time.” Then they all bowed their heads.
When they finished, Evangeline grinned at Alex. “I’m glad you reminded us to pray. It’s good to talk to God throughout the day and remember to thank Him for all He’s given us—even burgers!”
Kyle took a bite of his burger. “You made me think of Daniel in the Bible when he prayed even though the king had said he’d be thrown into a lion’s den if he did. He was going to God during a scary time, but we just went to God during a good time—thanking Him for delicious food!”
Evangeline nodded. “Jesus wants us to go to Him in all situations—to thank Him during the good times and look to Him for help during times of trouble.” She smiled. “And now, here’s something else you can thank Him for—ice cream sundaes on me!”
– Margaret M. Primrose
How about you?
Did you know you can pray to Jesus anytime? Daniel prayed when people were trying to harm him and he needed strength from the Lord. But we can also pray to thank Him for good things as they’re happening. Spend time with Jesus and talk to Him throughout your day, asking Him for help with your problems and thanking Him for blessings in your life.
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