Daily Devotional for March 20, 2020
Bully (Part 2)

Tina froze in the hallway as Melanie walked up to her. “Hey, Tina! I’m sorry about everything I said to you and everything I did. Want to come over to my house after school?”
Tina’s mouth felt like cotton. She didn’t want to say no because she was afraid of what Melanie might do, but after Melanie’s bullying, she really didn’t want to go to her house again. She remembered what her dad told her to do if Melanie made her uncomfortable. Jesus, she prayed, please help me be kind but also to be brave and speak the truth. “That’s nice of you to ask, Melanie, but no thanks. But if you want, you can sit with me and Grace at lunch today.” Tina offered a small smile. Melanie’s eyes narrowed, and for a moment Tina was afraid she was going to say something unkind, but then she turned on her heel and walked away.
On the way home from school, Tina talked to Dad about her conversation. “Miss Daisy, the school counselor, has been helping me practice saying no and speaking what is really on my mind. I’m glad, because I sure had to use it today!”
“I’m proud of you for setting boundaries about not being alone with Melanie until you can trust her again, and also for being kind enough to invite her to sit with you and your friend at lunch.”
“Thanks, Dad!” Tina smiled. “I’ve been pretty scared of Melanie these past few months, but Jesus is helping me remember to focus on Him and how He’s with me instead of my fear.”
“So that’s why you taped that verse up on the bathroom mirror?” Dad asked.
“Yep! Proverbs 29:25 says, ‘Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety.’”
“I’m glad you’re keeping God’s Word close to your heart!” Dad said as he pulled into the driveway. “Well, how about after a celebration snack of ice cream, you start cleaning your room? It’s been a little neglected lately because of everything going on.”
“No, Dad,” Tina said firmly.
“Excuse me?” Her father raised his eyebrows.
“Just kidding, Dad!” Tina giggled. “Told you I was getting better at saying no!” Savannah Coleman
How about you?
Do you ever have trouble setting boundaries with friends or other people? Although it’s important to be kind and forgiving, don’t say yes to anything you’re not comfortable with, especially if it hurts you or you know it’s wrong. Ask for a trusted adult’s help if you have trouble saying no, and trust Jesus to help you be kind, truthful, and brave.
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