Daily Devotional for February 12, 2018

Building Blocks

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Building Blocks

Today's Verse

Ephesians 2:19-22 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

“Hey, Billy, what are you working on?” Dad asked as he walked into Billy’s room.

“I’m making a building out of connecting blocks for the library contest,” Billy said. “If I post a picture on their website, I could win a free meal at a local restaurant.” Suddenly, he frowned. “Hey, where’s my baseplate? Can you help me find it, Dad? It’s the big flat one that I have to build on to make sure the sculpture won’t tip over.”

“All right.” Dad kneeled and began to look through the chest of connecting blocks. He pulled out a large, flat piece like Billy had described. “Is this it?”

“Yeah! Thanks, Dad.”

“Do you mind if I build something too? I loved playing with blocks like this when I was younger.”

Billy nodded. “Sure.”

“I think I’ll build a minivan, like ours,” Dad said. He began looking for black blocks to use for the tires. “So, did you finish reading this week’s Bible passage for your class at church?”

“I started, but I don’t really understand it,” Billy said. “It talks about something being built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone.”

“It’s talking about the church,” Dad explained. “Everyone who joins the church is an important part of it.” He pointed at the blocks Billy was attaching to his building. “It’s like those blocks. Imagine if you only got one block in a set! You wouldn’t be able to build a complete car, or building, or much of anything with one block. But when you have many blocks that fit together perfectly, you can build a complete structure.”

“So, are we the blocks?” Billy asked.

“Yes!” Dad said. “Christians make up the church the way your blocks make up the building you’re working on. And just like your baseplate, Jesus is the base of our church. It’s built on all He did to save us from sin—His death and resurrection. That’s why we seek to please him in whatever we do.”

Billy nodded. “I think I understand better now. And I’m finished with my building!” He held up the structure he had made.

“All right. I’ll go get the camera,” Dad said. “I can already taste that free meal!” – Jessica Kleeberger

How about you?

Have you ever built something with connecting blocks? If so, you know how much fun it is to see a bunch of tiny pieces come together to form a complete creation. The church is the same way! Each Christian belongs to the church and has a part to play in building on the foundation set by Jesus. His Spirit lives in us and uses us to do His will and show others His love.

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