Daily Devotional for January 4, 2019

Jaycee pointed to a display at the grocery store. “Grandma, can we buy some bubble stuff? Amelia and I can share a bottle.” Jaycee and her sister were spending a weekend with their grandmother.
“How would you like to make your own bubble solution instead?” Grandma asked. “All it takes is a cup of water, a tablespoon of dishwashing soap, and a teaspoon of corn syrup.”
“That sounds like fun,” said Amelia. “Let’s do that!”
“But what about wands to make the bubbles?” asked Jaycee.
“I have empty spools you can use to blow bubbles,” said Grandma. “I’ll show you how they work.”
When they got to Grandma’s house, she helped the girls mix the bubble recipe. Then she got the spools, dipped the end of one into the soapy solution, and blew into the other end. A large bubble formed on the end of the spool.
“Hey, that’s cool!” Amelia said. “I want to try.”
The girls went out on the patio, and soon there were bubbles flying everywhere.
“Look at that huge one!” Jaycee pointed toward the roof of the house. Their eyes followed a big bubble as it lifted in the breeze, catching rainbows of color. Then…POP! The bubble burst and was gone.
“Aww,” they both moaned.
During lunch, Amelia sighed. “This weekend is zooming by so fast.”
Jaycee nodded. “Our whole Christmas vacation did.”
“I think the older you get, the more you realize how fast life goes by,” Grandma said. “It reminds me of what God says in James 4:14—‘What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.’”
“Like the bubbles!” Amelia said.
“Right,” said Grandma. “They were beautiful and fun, but each bubble lasted only a few seconds. I’m so glad you girls both know Jesus as your Savior and will spend eternity with Him. Life is so short compared to eternity, so let’s spend our time wisely. Let’s live every day in light of all Jesus has done for us.” – Lucinda J. Rollings
How about you?
Have you noticed that time goes by really fast? How are you using your time? The first part of today’s Scripture reading points out how short your life on earth really is. The second part talks about making the most of the time you have. Use your time wisely by getting to know Jesus better and showing others who He is.
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