Daily Devotional for September 11, 2019
Broken Pieces

“Oh no!” Tammy whimpered as she stared at her mom’s favorite teacup in shattered pieces on the floor.
“You’re busted!” said her older sister, Kim, who was doing her homework at the kitchen table.
Tammy could hear her mom’s footsteps coming down the stairs. She frantically tried to find the broom.
“My teacup from England!” Mom cried as she walked into the kitchen. “Tammy, what happened?”
“Well, I, uh . . . I just wanted to have a special tea party, so I got out the flowered teacup. I’m sorry, Mom.”
“I know,” Mom said with a sigh. “Thank you for your honesty.”
Kim looked up from her homework and saw the news flash at the bottom of the television screen. “What? Another shooting? Mom, what’s going on?”
“Oh no,” Mom said, reading the scroll of tragic words. “Girls, we live in a broken world. When Adam and Eve sinned, God’s perfect world was shattered—just like the teacup. Jesus tells us in John 16:33 that in this world, we will have trouble.”
“That’s depressing, Mom,” said Kim.
“I know, honey. Living in this broken world is not easy. But the verse doesn’t stop there. Jesus continues and says, ‘But take heart! I have overcome the world.’ Even amid sin and sadness on this earth, we can have hope in Christ. He promises His peace and the gift of eternal life for all who believe in Him. One day, He will return and fix this world. As followers of Jesus, we will live in a place where there is no more sin, dying, crying, or tragedy. The world will no longer be broken like the shattered teacup. It will be perfect.”
Mom walked over and gave her girls a big hug.
“I want it to be perfect now!” said Tammy as she looked up at her mom.
“God knows the right time to fix everything and make it new,” Mom answered. “Until then, we live in a broken world full of people who need to hear about the love of Jesus.”
“So they can live in a perfect world too?” Tammy asked.
“Yes,” Mom said. “So they can live there too.” Emily Rudolph
How about you?
Have you gone through rough times in your life—maybe a death or divorce in your family, or the loss of a friendship? This world has its share of trouble, that’s for sure. But as believers in Jesus, we have hope, knowing He will one day fix this broken world and we’ll live forever with Him. Until then, we can have peace and live an abundant life showing His love to others.
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