Daily Devotional for October 19, 2017
Brand New World

Johannah rushed outside to see why Grandpa’s dog was barking so loudly. She found Bandit jumping up and down, trying to reach a squirrel up in the apple tree. “Shame on you, Bandit,” she said as the squirrel chattered loudly. “I think that squirrel is scolding you!” She laughed and pulled the dog away.
Looking around for Grandpa, Johannah headed for the toolshed and saw her cat hiding in the grass, staring at some birds pecking at seeds on the ground. The cat was getting ready to pounce. “Get away from those birds, Mitsy!” Johannah cried.
Hearing Johannah’s voice, Grandpa came out of the shed with two rakes. “How about helping me clean up the garden?” he asked. Johannah took a rake and followed Grandpa as he took long-legged strides across the yard. He paused beneath a tree and pointed at some fur and small bones lying on the ground. “Look here,” he said. “I think there’s been an owl in this tree recently. The fur and bones are probably from some small animal he had for dinner.”
Johannah frowned. “Some animals are really mean to each other, aren’t they?”
Grandpa nodded. “Ever since sin came into the world, animals have suffered right along with people. All of creation suffers. Because of sin, we have illness, hunger, death, thorns, thistles, and weeds.”
“You mean the whole world has problems because of sin?” Johannah asked. “Not just people?”
“That’s right,” Grandpa replied. “The good thing is that even though sin has affected the whole world, God still rules over it.”
Grandpa and Johannah got to work, carefully raking dead sticks and leaves from the flower bed. Soon they saw tiny green shoots peeking above the ground. “New life,” Grandpa said. “It reminds me that Jesus conquered sin and death when He died on the cross and rose again, and He’s making a brand-new world—and someday, when He returns, it’s going to be more wonderful than we can imagine. There won’t be any thorns or weeds. Animals won’t be afraid of one another or harm people. And all suffering will end.” He grinned at Johannah. “Best of all, Christians will be with Jesus forever in a perfect place.” – Carolyn E. Yost
How about you?
Do you see the effect sin has had on all of creation? It may make you feel sad, but when you see flowers blooming or new plants springing up, thank God that a day is coming when He will take away all the effects of sin. Animals will get along together—and people will too! If you trust in Jesus, you can look forward to being with Him in a brand-new world forever. (See “The ABCs of Salvation” on the right column of this page..)
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