Daily Devotional for October 9, 2019
Bouncing Coins

“Oh, Jude! How am I going to survive without you?” wailed Rory as her brother packed for boot camp. “I don’t know if I’m a strong enough Christian to take Mom’s and Dad’s teasing about going to church and believing in Jesus. I need you to help me! But they don’t allow phones or computers at boot camp. How will I manage when I can’t even call or text you?”
Rory and Jude had both become Christians the year before, and their parents were not happy about it. Mom and Dad frequently made snide remarks and poked fun at them for believing in Jesus. Rory and Jude often prayed together for their parents.
“Aw, c’mon, Rory. You’re stronger than you think,” Jude said. “Besides, Jesus will help you. Keep up with your friends from church—they’ll help you too. And I’ll write you letters whenever I can.”
The first weeks after Jude left were lonely ones for Rory, but she was encouraged by the letters he sent her. She read his first one several times. Hi, Rory, it read. Miss me? Well, I hope so because I sure miss you!
One of the first things they taught us when we arrived was how to make a bed properly. We had to learn to pull the sheets so tight and tuck them in so perfectly that if you dropped a quarter on the bed, it would bounce. Our drill instructor demonstrated it, and it works!
Know what, Rory? The bouncing coins made me think of us. It’s almost like Mom and Dad are constantly inspecting our faith. If their mocking remarks bounce off—in other words, if we respond in a loving way instead of getting angry—we’ve passed their inspection. Don’t forget that Jesus told us to rejoice in persecution and to pray for those who persecute us. When He was mocked, He didn’t get angry, but chose to die for us on the cross instead. So hang in there!
I’m still praying for Mom and Dad—and for you too. Love, Jude.
Rory smiled as she went upstairs to see if she could bounce a coin on her bed. She couldn’t. But I’ll keep trying, she thought. It will help me remember to let Mom’s and Dad’s remarks bounce off me! Raelene E. Phillips
How about you?
How do you react to mean remarks? Do they make you angry? Do you answer back with unkind words of your own? Remember that Jesus patiently suffered for you, and He’ll help you respond in a patient, loving way when others mock you. If you’re teased because you believe in Jesus, trust Him to help you let the remarks bounce off. He’ll help you pass inspection so others can see He’s with you.
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