Daily Devotional for February 25, 2022
Bottle of Tears

“Wow, Ezra! What a lot of boxes!” Jaxon exclaimed as he looked around his best friend’s room. “Looks like you’ve already got most all your stuff packed up.” Jaxon sighed. “I sure wish you weren’t moving.”
“Me too,” said Ezra. “But we have to move for my dad’s new job.”
Jaxon sat down on the floor. This can’t be real, he thought. My best friend can’t be leaving. “Maybe this is just a bad dream,” he said.
“I wish!” said Ezra, sitting down next to him, but both boys knew it wasn’t a dream. It was real. “I’m going to miss everyone—especially you!” Ezra’s voice trembled a little.
On the day Ezra’s family left town, Jaxon went to see them off. When he returned home, he sat on his bed, staring out the window and trying not to cry. Lord, what am I supposed to do? his heart cried out. None of the other kids seem interested in the stuff I like! Ezra and I got along so well, and now he’s gone!
“Honey,” Jaxon’s mom said from the doorway, “I know this is a very hard day for you. It’s okay to hurt—and to cry.”
Jaxon sniffled. “Oh, Mom! Ezra and I spent so much time together. What am I going to do now?”
Mom wrapped her arms around him. “Well, for starters, you could let out all those tears you’re holding in,” she said gently.
“But crying is for babies,” said Jaxon. “I’m not a baby!”
“Crying doesn’t mean you’re a baby,” said Mom. “It’s something that helps us heal. Even Jesus cried.”
“I remember reading that,” said Jaxon. “‘Jesus wept.’ That’s the shortest verse in the Bible, isn’t it? Jesus cried when his friend Lazarus died.”
Mom nodded. “Jesus experienced the same emotions we do because He became human in order to save us. Crying doesn’t mean you’re a baby—it means you’re human! If Jesus cried when He was sad, so can you. He sees your tears and understands your sadness.”
“If I cry, will it make me feel better?” Jaxon asked, his voice trembling.
Mom smoothed Jaxon’s hair. “It usually does.”
Jaxon nodded and let the tears slip down his cheeks.
-Laura Farrer
How about you?
Do you feel ashamed about crying? When you feel hurt or sad, you may think you should blink away the tears. But remember, it’s okay to cry—Jesus did! He knows exactly how you feel, and He is with you when you experience pain or sadness. Share your hurts with Him, and don’t be afraid to cry. He sees all your tears, and He cares.
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