Daily Devotional for March 31, 2017
Boiling Over

“Lydia yelled at everybody today—Luis, Norah, Paul—and everyone else we were playing with,” Ruby told her mother after school one day. “I’m her best friend, and she even yelled at me!”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” said Mom.
“Yeah,” said Ruby. “When Lydia gets mad, it makes such a mess of things. Luis and Norah said they didn’t ever want to play with Lydia again!”
When Ruby came into the kitchen the next morning, Mom was stirring oatmeal in a pot on the stove. She stopped stirring to pour some juice for Ruby. A moment later, the oatmeal boiled over. “Oh no!” said Mom. She rushed over to the stove and moved the pan to another burner, but that only spread the gooey mess that was erupting from the pot.
“What a mess!” said Ruby, getting a sponge. “Here—I’ll help you clean it up.”
Mom smiled. “Thanks,” she said. “I’m glad to have help.” She wiped the bottom of the pot. “You know, this reminds me of what you told me yesterday—about Lydia, remember? The Bible often describes anger as hot or burning. Lydia’s anger boiled and spilled all over her friends yesterday, just like this oatmeal boiled and spilled all over my stove.”
Ruby nodded. “Lydia got herself into a sticky mess,” she said, “and it will probably be harder to clean up her mess than yours.”
“You’re right,” said Mom. “But Lydia isn’t the only one with a sticky mess to clean up because of an angry outburst.”
“Oh,” said Ruby, remembering how she’d gotten mad and yelled at her little sister, Lucy, the night before.
The phone rang, and Ruby went to answer it. Soon she came bounding back. “That was Lydia,” she said. “Can I go over there after breakfast? She feels bad about yesterday and wants to go make up with the kids. She thinks it will help if I go with her.” She looked at the ceiling when she heard creaking above their heads, knowing it was Lucy getting out of bed. “And, um, I think I’ll apologize to Lucy before I go.”
“Okay,” said Mom. “I’m so glad to hear that Lydia—and you—want to make things right.” – Pauline Youd
How about you?
Do you let your temper flare up and boil over? Do others get burned by it? Sometimes things happen that make you angry, but God says not to deal with your anger by unleashing your temper on others. Don’t let yourself slip into having an angry attitude. Ask God to help you deal with anger in healthy ways—and if necessary, lead you to an adult who can help.
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