Daily Devotional for August 25, 2018
Blown Away

“Mom is being so unfair. She won’t let me download the music I want,” Esme said as she arranged and rearranged small colorful quilt squares on her grandma’s coffee table. She studied the design. “There! I think I’ve finally got it.”
Her grandmother looked it over. “I like it too,” she said. “That will make a pretty patchwork pillow.”
“What is it with Mom? Why is she so strict?” Esme sighed. “Maybe I’ll just have to find another way to listen to the music I want,” she muttered.
As she spoke, the door flew open and Grandpa whirled in with a gust of wind. WHOOSH! Squares for Esme’s pillow blew across the room.
“Oh no!” Esme exclaimed. “It took me a long time to get those put together just right.”
Grandpa apologized, and they all gathered the squares and tried to put them back into her design. “I can’t remember which one was where,” Esme said.
Grandma looked thoughtful. “Esme, it seems to me like you’re dividing your life into nice little squares just like those quilt pieces. You seem to be separating what music you listen to from your life as a Christian.”
“But the music I want to download isn’t even bad!” Esme said.
“Maybe not, but there’s a reason your mom doesn’t want you to listen to it, and you need to obey her.” Grandma nodded toward the squares on the table. “When the wind blew, those quilt squares flew all over. Do you know what you need to hold them together?”
Esme held up a spool. “Thread,” she said. “I’ll sew them together.”
Grandma nodded. “You need thread to run through all those quilt pieces and bind them together, and you need Jesus to be the thread that runs through every part of your life. That means trusting that He’s put your mom in your life to help you learn to love and obey Him. You need to respect her decision about what music you can listen to, even though you don’t agree with it.” Grandma threaded a needle and handed it to Esme. “Remember that He loves you and is using your mom to help you grow. Trust Him with every part of your life. Then nothing can ever blow you away!” – Joyce R. Lee
How about you?
Is Jesus the thread that holds your life-squares together? Or do you trust Him only with some things in your life but not with others? When you trust Jesus, He becomes Lord of every part of your life. (Click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page to learn more.) Trust that’s He’s doing what’s best in all the parts of your life and obey Him in everything.
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