Daily Devotional for May 10, 2021

Keisha walked closely beside her mom as they made their way to the subway station. She wasn’t used to all the noise and crowds. Her family had just moved into the city last week, and Keisha felt sad to be so far from her old house and friends.
“Mama, I don’t like it here,” Keisha pouted. “I wish we still lived in our old neighborhood.”
Mom took her hand and led her to a less busy side street. “Honey, you’ve been complaining about how much you dislike this city ever since we moved here. I know moving was hard for all of us, but we prayed and felt God leading your dad to take this new job.”
Keisha frowned. “I don’t understand why God had us move here! Why couldn’t Dad get a job somewhere else?” She stared at the sidewalk and noticed a tiny bit of green peeping through a crack. Bending down for a closer look, Keisha saw a small white bud about ready to bloom. “Mom, look! There’s a little flower growing out of the sidewalk!”
“Most people call that a weed,” Mom said, grinning. “It must be quite hardy to grow in a place like this. My grandma used to tell us grandkids, ‘Bloom where you’re planted.’”
“What did she mean by that?” asked Keisha.
“She believed that God put people in certain places for a reason. One of Grandma’s favorite Bible stories was about Esther, who was taken from her home to live as queen with a king she didn’t even know very well. But God used Queen Esther to save the Jewish people from being destroyed in a wicked plot by one of the king’s rulers.”
Mom pointed to the flower in the sidewalk. “Keisha, I don’t know exactly why God led us to this city at this time, but I know He has a plan for us here. Just like that little plant can bloom out of a crack in the sidewalk on a busy city street, you can bloom right here in the city by letting Jesus’ light shine through you wherever you go. Start looking for ways you can share His love with others. Jesus can use you right here where He’s planted you.” Kendra Angle
How about you?
Are you having a hard time with something new? Sometimes it’s difficult to see God’s plan for us in moving to a new neighborhood, a new school, or just having a different routine than what we’ve been used to. But God has a purpose for you right where you’re at. Trust Him to show you how to share His love with the people around you and bloom where you’re planted.
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