Daily Devotional for June 11, 2021
Blessed and a Blessing

As Gemma walked into the nursing home with her mother, she wrinkled her nose. “It’s hot in here, and it doesn’t smell very good either,” she grumbled.
“It’s very warm here because most of the people are old and like the warmth,” Mom replied. “Many are on medications too, and that sometimes makes an unpleasant odor. But after you’ve visited Great-Aunt Rita and some of the others, I think you’ll be glad you came. They’re always such a blessing to me—and I’m sure you’ll be a blessing to them too. It’s amazing how Jesus uses us to bless one another.”
Gemma frowned. She hadn’t really wanted to come in the first place. The stuffy room and smell of medication didn’t do anything to change her mind. She could not imagine feeling blessed for being there as she followed her mother down the hall.
As they entered the first room, Great-Aunt Rita broke into a smile and called out, “Oh, you brought your precious daughter!” Then she turned to Gemma. “You’ll have to excuse the outburst, dear, but around here we seldom see beautiful young girls. Most of us have so many wrinkles we’ve forgotten what it was like to be young.” She laughed pleasantly as she spoke, and Gemma began to smile too. Before long, she was telling the elderly woman about her school activities, her class at church, and her recent birthday party.
Several other people came into the room, and at their urging, Gemma sang for them. They asked for another number, and her mother smiled at her. “Many elderly people don’t know the songs we often sing these days, so why don’t you sing a hymn?” Mom suggested. “You know the words to several of the hymns we sing at church, don’t you?”
Gemma nodded and began to sing one of them. Soon several quavering, old voices joined her clear, young one in praising God through well-loved hymns.
After they had said their goodbyes and were back in the car, Gemma turned to her mother. “You were right, Mom,” she said. “I’m sure I’m the one who got the biggest blessing.”
-Ruth I. Jay
How about you?
Have you ever visited someone in a nursing home or a hospital? You probably brightened their day and were a huge blessing to them. Did you find that they were a blessing to you too? Blessings are often a two-way street—as God uses us to bless others and remind them of His love, we may find we’re being blessed as well. How can you be a blessing to someone and help them remember that Jesus loves and cares for them?
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