Daily Devotional for September 24, 2019
Birds of Fire

“Well, Grady, did you learn anything new today?” asked Dad. Grady grinned because nearly every night Dad asked the same question at the supper table. Today Grady had an answer ready. “I learned about birds of fire,” he said. “They’re pretty little songbirds, and the real name for them is Kirtland’s warblers, but they’re called birds of fire for a cool reason—or maybe I should say for a hot reason.”
“And what is that?” asked Mom.
“Well,” said Grady, “they nest in jack pine trees, and pinecones from jack pines only open and release seeds when it’s very hot. Forest rangers sometimes start fires near the jack pines to make sure they’ll drop seeds so new trees will grow and the Kirtland’s warblers will have trees to nest in.”
“Really?” said Mom. “I thought forest rangers watched for fires so they could put them out.”
“They do,” Grady replied, “but Kirtland’s warblers became endangered because jack pine trees are getting scarce. So now rangers use controlled fires to make the forest grow. It’s weird, isn’t it?”
“It reminds me of how God sometimes allows fires in our lives to help us grow spiritually,” Dad said.
Grady took a bite of corn. “He does?”
Dad nodded. “The Bible compares problems, or trials, to fire,” he explained. “We all have them sometimes, and even though we dislike them, God can use them to help us grow. For example, remember when you had a sprained ankle and couldn’t do much for a couple of weeks? What did you do?”
“Well . . . I started reading the Bible Grandma gave me for my birthday,” Grady said.
“Oh, that’s right,” said Mom. “We discussed some of the verses you read, and I think they helped both of us learn more about Jesus.”
“Yeah,” said Grady. “And they reminded me to trust Him, even though my sprained ankle messed up my plans.”
Dad reached for his Bible. “Let’s look at some verses that talk about things that help us grow spiritually,” he said. “And let’s pray that we’ll be willing to grow, even if it takes fire—or problems—in our lives.” Raelene E. Phillips
How about you?
What trials or problems are you facing in your life right now? Do you wonder why God allows things like that to happen? Don’t be angry with Him, and don’t think He doesn’t care about you. Ask Him to help you learn to trust Him as you go through the experiences your problems bring. Let Him use difficulties to help you grow and strengthen your faith in Jesus.
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