Daily Devotional for August 29, 2021

Big Little Things

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Big Little Things

Today's Verse

Matthew 5:16; Colossians 3:8-15 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

Nothing’s gone right all day! Josie thought, slamming her bedroom door. Why couldn’t Dad take me to school this morning? I hate riding the bus. And Mom should have bought bread yesterday so I wouldn’t have to buy lunch at school. I hate waiting in line. With a frown, Josie jumped into bed without praying. She didn’t feel like talking to God.

Josie sighed when she heard a knock on her door. Here comes a scolding! she thought. She knew she deserved it for the way she’d behaved.

Dad opened the door. Handing Josie her shoes, he said, “Put these on. There’s something outside I want you to see.” Josie moaned but put on the shoes and followed him.

Out on the deck, Dad pointed to the moon. It gleamed in the sky, huge and bright. Dad took a dime from his pocket and handed it to Josie. “Hold this out in front of you. Then close one eye and see if you can cover the moon with the dime.” Puzzled, Josie held up the dime. “Can you do it?” Dad asked.

Josie nodded. “Sure.”

“You can completely block out something as big, beautiful, and bright as a full moon with one small dime,” said Dad. “That’s an example of how little things can block out much bigger things.”

“Like what?” asked Josie, still puzzled.

“For example, this morning you complained about your lunch and the bus. This evening, you grumbled about having to do homework. I think you let those small things block out more important things—like your loving family, your many friends, and your good health. Not to mention the biggest and brightest blessing of all—eternal life with Jesus.” He smiled and gave Josie a hug. “The Bible says to take off our old selves and put on our new selves—the people Jesus has made us to be. When we do that, we’re not so likely to let the little things get in the way of reflecting His love to others.”

Josie knew she had let little things hurt her relationship with her family and also with her heavenly Father. “I’m sorry for the way I acted,” she said. “From now on, I’ll try not to let little things get in the way of what’s really important.”

-Barbara J. Westberg

How about you?

Do you let small disappointments block out God’s many blessings in your life? Do you allow them to get in the way of showing His love to others? Don’t let that happen. If you know Jesus, He has filled you with the light of His love so it can shine out for others to see. When little stuff makes you feel angry or disappointed, share your feelings with Jesus. Then focus on the big, bright blessings He’s given you.

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