Daily Devotional for July 25, 2018
Bianca’s Baby Book

“Look, Bianca!” Mom was sitting on the couch with a big book on her lap. “Here’s a lock of your hair from when you were three months old—and look at your footprint from when you were born.”
Bianca grinned. “Wow! It’s really tiny! That’s my baby book, isn’t it? It’s been a long time since I’ve looked at it.”
“I wrote all these entries in it during your first three years,” Mom said. “It says you walked and talked early. You took your first step at nine months. You said ‘Dada’ at five months—at least, your dad said you did—and you could sing the ABCs by the time you were two and a half. You were a smart little cookie.”
“Really?” Bianca sighed. “Well, I’m not smart anymore. I’m always doing dumb things now.”
“That’s not true,” said Mom. “Sometimes you just dwell on your mistakes too much.” She pointed to the book. “Why do you think I didn’t write things like, ‘Today Bianca fell down fifteen times trying to walk’?”
Bianca laughed. “That doesn’t sound so good.”
“No, but falling down is part of learning to walk,” said Mom. “I don’t remember how many times you fell, but I do remember that first step. I didn’t record the times you cried for what seemed like hours. But you were a sweet baby, and I recorded that. Moms always write good memories in baby books.” She smiled at Bianca. “Did you know that God has a book of remembrance too?”
“He does? Does He only write down good things in His book—like moms do?”
Mom nodded. “He doesn’t keep a record of the wrong things Christians do. When we trust in Jesus, all our sins are forgiven. He only remembers the good things.”
“So He doesn’t want us to feel bad about all the wrong things we’ve done?”
Mom shook her head. “Sin does have consequences, and when we do something wrong, Jesus wants us to admit we’ve sinned and tell Him we’re sorry. But it will never show up in God’s remembrance book, because Jesus took all our sins on Himself when He died. Instead of dwelling on our mistakes, He wants us to be thankful for all He’s done for us and joyfully walk with Him.” – Barbara J. Westberg
How about you?
Did you know that, if you’re a Christian, God doesn’t keep a record of your sins? He only remembers the good you do because you trust in Jesus. So don’t dwell on your failures and mistakes. When you do something wrong, confess it to Jesus. He promises to always forgive you and give you strength to move forward in your walk with Him.
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