Daily Devotional for January 24, 2018

Better Than a Bee

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Better Than a Bee

Today's Verse

Matthew 13:44-46 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

Graydon set his little brother down as his friend walked into the yard. “Hey, Ben.”

“Hey,” Ben replied. “Do you have a minute? I’ve got something I—”

“Cody!” Graydon suddenly yelled out. “Don’t touch that flower! There’s a bee on it!”

“I pet the bee,” Cody cooed. Graydon pulled him away from the flower.

“No, Cody, bees can hurt you. Don’t touch it, okay?” Cody toddled off, and Graydon sighed. “Sorry, Ben. What were you saying?”

Ben looked around, then pulled a small bag from his pocket. “Here—you gotta try this. It gives you a real lift—makes you feel good.”

Graydon looked at the contents of the bag, startled. “Are those drugs?” he asked. Ben nodded and started to speak, but Graydon interrupted him. “I don’t want anything to do with that. Drugs harm your body and mind.”

“Aw, c’mon!” Ben said. “Just give it a—”

“Cody!” Graydon ran and picked up his brother, who was reaching for the bee on the flower again. “What did I tell you about petting bees?”

Cody began whimpering and wriggling, trying to get free. “I wanna pet the bee!” he cried.

Just then a neighbor and her dog walked by. “Look, Cody,” Graydon said. “It’s Mrs. Ellingham and Chester.” Cody, who loved the big, fluffy dog, squealed in delight. Graydon set him down, and Cody ran to Chester and buried his face in his fur, the bee all but forgotten.

Later, after Dad brought Cody inside, Graydon sat down next to Ben. “Look, Ben, I’m not going to try whatever’s in that bag. Drugs may feel good at first, but they’re really harmful and it’s easy it is to get hooked on them. More than that, I’m a Christian, and…” Graydon paused, thinking of how to explain his thoughts to his friend. “Well, it’s kind of like Cody and Chester,” he finally said. “I told Cody not to pet the bee because it could sting him, but he kept trying until he saw Chester. Then he forgot about the bee, because Chester was big and fluffy and so much better. That’s kind of what it’s like with Jesus. Knowing and following Him is better than anything drugs can do. So that’s why I’m staying away from them and running to Jesus instead.” – Vera M. Hutchcroft

How about you?

Have you ever been tempted to try drugs or anything else that could harm your body or mind? Others may tell you it’s fun, but illegal drugs are extremely harmful and will only end up hurting you. They can’t make you feel loved, accepted, and whole—only Jesus can! When you’re tempted by drugs or other harmful things, stay away from them and run to Jesus instead. (If anyone—even a friend—tries to get you to use drugs or anything else that’s harmful, tell a trusted adult so they can help.)

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