Daily Devotional for January 12, 2019
Best Friend

“Mom, I don’t think I want to be best friends with Olivia anymore,” Kinley announced as she came in from school. “In fact, I don’t know if I want to be friends with her at all.”
Mom looked up from her laptop. “Really? When did you decide that?”
“Today. You wouldn’t believe how she acted!” Kinley helped herself to an apple from the fruit bowl and plopped down on a chair. “She hardly talked to me all day. During the first recess, she played ball with some other kids. Then when we had free time in class, she worked on a project all by herself. At lunch, she spent the whole time talking to the new girl in our class. And riding home on the bus, she read her book and didn’t talk with me at all.”
“Maybe something was bothering her,” said Mom. “You two have been friends for a long time. I hope you won’t let one day ruin your friendship.”
At family devotions that evening, Kinley read the Bible passage, but then she had a request. “Can I be excused from our prayer time tonight?” She put the Bible on the table and stood up.
Mom frowned. “What’s the problem?”
“I’m really tired,” replied Kinley. “And I have a test tomorrow, so I need to get my sleep.”
“Kinley, remember what you told me about Olivia today? If you skip prayer time, you’ll be acting pretty much like Olivia did. You were unhappy because she didn’t seem to want to talk to you, right?”
“Well, yeah—but what does that have to do with praying?”
“When you pray, you’re talking with Jesus, and He’s the very best friend you can have,” Mom explained. “He wants you to spend time with Him each day getting to know Him better, and prayer is one way you do that.”
Kinley sat back down at the table. “I guess I don’t want to act like Olivia. She really made me mad!”
“Let’s talk to Jesus about Olivia right now,” Mom said. “Let’s ask Him to help you forgive her and help you be the kind of best friend He is—one who always listens and cares for their friends.” – Irene C. Strobel
How about you?
Do you have a good friend you like to talk to every day? Jesus wants to be that kind of friend to you. If you trust Him as your Savior, He’s the best friend you have. You can talk to Him about anything—how you feel about things, what you need help with, who or what you especially enjoy. And be sure to thank Him for all He’s done for you and for being your very best friend.
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