Daily Devotional for September 10, 2020
Believe It or Not

Uriah loved spending summer vacation with his cousin Korbin—except for the time each evening when Uncle Paul called them together for family devotions.
“You don’t really believe all that religious stuff, do you?” Uriah asked Korbin one night from the bed across the room.
“Sure I do—but it’s not ‘religious stuff.’ It’s what God tells us in the Bible.”
“I don’t see how you can believe some of those Bible stories—like the ones about
people walking around in fire and not being burned or crossing a sea and not getting wet,” Uriah said. “And the one about God becoming human and then getting killed and coming back to life? That’s the most unbelievable one of all!”
“They’re true stories,” insisted Korbin. “They really happened. And Jesus did die and then come back to life to save us from sin.”
Uriah shrugged and turned over to go to sleep.
The next day, Uncle Paul took the boys canoeing. “Have fun, guys,” said Aunt Melissa when she dropped them off at the canoe launch site on the river. “Call me when you get to the landing site.”
Soon Uncle Paul and the boys were floating downstream. “This water’s not very deep,” said Uriah. “I can see the bottom.”
Uncle Paul chuckled. “It’s deeper than it looks, Uriah. I’m sure it’s over your head.” “Naaah. I don’t believe it,” Uriah said.
“Duck!” Korbin exclaimed suddenly as they floated under a low-hanging branch. They all ducked, but the canoe was thrown off balance and tipped, spilling them into the water. They came up spitting and sputtering—and laughing. “Stand up, Uriah,” called Korbin.
“I can’t!” Uriah called back. “I can’t touch the bottom.”
“Let’s get this canoe right side up,” said Uncle Paul. They all helped, and soon they were again paddling downstream.
“That water was deeper than I thought,” Uriah admitted.
“It was deep whether you believed it or not, wasn’t it?” observed Uncle Paul. “Yeah, Uriah. Not believing it didn’t change the fact of how deep it was,” Korbin
said quietly. “The same is true of the Bible and what it says Jesus did to save you.” He looked at his cousin. “It’s true whether you believe it or not—but I hope that someday you will.” • Barbara J. Westberg
How about you?
Do you believe what God says in the Bible? Do you believe what it says about Jesus, God’s Son? About you? It says you are a sinner, but Jesus died to take the punishment for your sin and then rose from the dead. Not believing the truth will not change it. Believe in Jesus. Trust Him to save you today. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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