Daily Devotional for February 8, 2022
Being Content

“When I get older, I’m going to have a car like that,” Henry said as he watched a red sports car zoom by on the road in front of his grandparents’ house.
“Yeah?” his grandpa asked from the porch swing beside him.
Henry nodded. “I’m going to be rich.”
“Will that make you happy?” asked Grandpa.
“Of course I’ll be happy,” Henry said. “I’ll be rich!”
An old, rattling truck drove by, and Grandpa pointed at it. “Do you think the man in that truck is unhappy?”
Henry shifted on the swing and thought about it. “I don’t know. Maybe he’s happy.”
“But the guy in the sports car is happier than him? Just because he has a better car?”
“Well, he probably has a nicer house too…”
“Hmm,” Grandpa said.
Henry knew his grandpa wanted to say more, but his grandma came out onto the porch and said it was time for supper.
When they sat down for the meal, his grandpa prayed and then reached out to stop Henry before he could scoop potatoes onto his plate. “You don’t want those,” Grandpa said.
Henry’s brows lowered. “What?”
“They’re not the most expensive thing on the table. Take the steak instead.”
“But I love potatoes,” Henry said as his grandpa shoved the steak plate toward him.
Grandma glanced between them. “I think he’s trying to teach you a lesson.”
“Oh,” Henry said. “I guess I like the potatoes better than steak, even though they’re not expensive.”
“You’d be happy just having potatoes for dinner,” Grandpa said with a smile. “Sometimes people think expensive things bring more happiness, but that’s not the case. You don’t need steak, or all the money in the world, to be happy—or, to use a word from the Bible, content. God tells us that no matter what we have in life, we can be content in Jesus, because only He brings true peace and joy.” Grandpa stabbed a piece of steak with his fork. “Knowing Him is better than steak or potatoes!”
Henry scooped a big serving of potatoes onto his plate and smiled. “I guess I’m already rich because of Him.”
-Bethany Acker
How about you?
Is there something you want right now, like a new bike or video game, that you feel would make you happy? Do you think rich people are happier than people who don’t have as much? True satisfaction in life is based on who you know, not what you own. Only Jesus can give you lasting joy and peace. Do you know Him as your Savior? (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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