Daily Devotional for May 9, 2017
Behind the Scenes

“Put the blue block here, Rennah,” Edison said as he helped his four-year-old sister build a tower with blocks. When the structure was almost finished, Rennah pulled out a green block near the bottom of the tower. The tower wobbled, then toppled over. “Rennah, you ruined it!” exclaimed Edison. “Why did you do that?”
“I want this pretty green block at the top so I can see it,” replied Rennah.
Just then Mom’s phone rang. “Edison, it’s for you.”
Edison took the phone and stepped into the hall. A few minutes later, he came back to the family room. “That was my youth group leader,” he said. “He wants me to come to a rehearsal for that skit they’re doing on youth night. There aren’t any parts left in the skit, but they need somebody to help move props between scenes.” He frowned. “I’m not good enough to be in the skit, but I’m good enough to move the props! Well, I don’t feel like going just to move stuff around. Anyone can do that!”
“But the production won’t be nearly as effective if the props aren’t in the right place,” said Mom. “Moving them may not seem as glamorous as acting in the play, but it’s a very important job.” She paused, then added, “It’s like the block Rennah took out of the tower you were building.”
“What do you mean?” asked Edison.
“Rennah just took out one block that didn’t show very much anyway,” said Mom, “so why did the whole tower tumble down?”
“Because the blocks on the bottom support the rest of the tower,” said Edison.
“So the bottom blocks are just as important as those on top?” asked Mom.
“Sure,” said Edison. “The top ones can’t just rest on air!”
“Well, it’s the same when people work together for the Lord,” Mom said. “Each worker is needed as much as any other. They’re all equally important. God values the service of those who work for Him equally, whether they’re on stage or behind the scenes.”
“You make it sound like moving furniture for a skit is reaching people for Jesus,” Edison said.
Mom shrugged. “That’s up to God. All you need to do is play your part.” – Tanya K. Marshall
How about you?
Do you feel like an important part of your church or youth group? Hopefully you do—because you are! Maybe the things you do there are behind the scenes, but that doesn’t matter. Never forget that you’re important in God’s eyes. What you do for Him—even if it’s not glamorous—is just as important as any other task. Do your part. God rewards faithful service.
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