Daily Devotional for July 31, 2018
Before Sundown

“Rhett makes me so mad!” Emmy told her dad. “He was really mean to me after I fell during my race today. He said I was a total failure! I feel like giving him a good kick and yelling in his face.”
“Maybe you should let him know you’re really angry about that,” suggested Dad.
“I should?” Emmy asked. “But I thought we weren’t supposed to get mad at people.”
“Well, you probably shouldn’t kick and scream,” Dad said. “That would be going too far. But everyone gets angry at times, and often rightfully so. I think you should tell Rhett how you feel. The Bible says you shouldn’t let the sun go down while you’re still angry. Jesus wants us to forgive others when they hurt us, and admitting our anger right away and talking things out helps us do that.”
Emmy thought about that. “Just talk, but not kick him, huh? I guess I could try.”
But she just couldn’t bring herself to do it. So when Emmy went to bed that night, she was still angry, and she couldn’t sleep. After lying awake for a while, she suddenly jumped up, marched to her brother’s room, and snapped on the light. “I’m really mad at you!” she said
Rhett turned over. “Go away,” he mumbled sleepily into his pillow.
“What did you mean when you said I’m a total failure?” demanded Emmy. “And that I’m a lousy runner?”
Rhett turned and squinted into the light. “I didn’t really mean it,” he said. “I was just teasing you, but I know I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry.” He pulled the covers closer. “Now go away and let me sleep. You’d better get some sleep too if you want to come running with me in the park tomorrow morning.”
Emmy scowled. “Stop telling me what to do! You’re always telling—hey, did you say I can come to the park with you?” she asked, surprised.
Rhett turned over. “Yeah,” he murmured. “Good night, Emmy.”
“Good night, Rhett.” Emmy grinned as she headed for her room. She wasn’t angry anymore. Now she could sleep. – A. W. Smith
How about you?
Do you let yourself stay mad at someone instead of letting them know they hurt you? You may have a good reason to be angry, but don’t let that anger build up and get in the way of forgiveness. Pray about it, then talk it over with the person who made you angry. Sometimes you may want to have a parent or teacher there too. Settle the matter before you go to sleep.
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