Daily Devotional for September 7, 2018
Be Yourself

Olivia walked into her new classroom feeling nervous yet excited. She had lived her whole life in a little town in Taiwan but was now starting a new adventure in the big city of Taipei.
After everyone scrambled to their seats, the teacher had the students introduce themselves and helped them choose their class leaders. Olivia was a class leader at her previous school, and she hoped to be selected again. However, to her disappointment, her more outspoken classmates got the most votes.
During music class, Olivia listened as some students took turns playing the piano. Everyone clapped when they finished. My family can’t afford piano lessons for me, Olivia thought enviously. It’s not fair.
In art class, some of Olivia’s classmates drew beautiful pictures. I wish I could draw like them, she thought.
In PE, everyone cheered for the athletic students. Bitterness grew inside Olivia. I’m never good at sports. I wish people would cheer for me. Maybe I should try to be like them.
“Dad, why are all my classmates good at something, and I’m not?” Olivia burst out after dinner that night. “Did God forget to give me any talent?”
“Oh, sweetheart, God didn’t forget you,” Dad reassured her. “He loves you. He gave His Son, Jesus, to die for you—that’s how precious you are to Him! You’re His amazing work, so you don’t need to compare yourself to others.”
“But I get so mad when I see everyone else doing things I can’t,” Olivia said.
“God gives each of us different abilities, and He wants us to glorify Him when we’re able to enjoy others’ talents—not feel jealous and bitter,” Dad replied. “Thank Him for the things others can do, and trust Him to use the talents He’s given you—whatever they are—to draw others to Him.”
“Thanks, Dad,” Olivia replied. She took the words with her to bed, feeling renewed.
The next day, Cherry, one of Olivia’s classmates, said, “Hey, Olivia, you’re good at math. I’m really struggling. Can you help me?”
Olivia was stunned. “Really? I’ve always understood math but never really thought about it. I’d love to help!”
As Olivia took out her math book, she knew she didn’t have to be like anyone else. She was content being herself. – Hua-Hsin Tsai
How about you?
Do you compare yourself to other people? Do you wish you had the talents, looks, friends, or money others do? Don’t forget whose you are. God created you, and He loves you so much He sent His Son to die for you. When you’re tempted to change to be like others, remember you’re the work of His hands. Be content in Jesus and who He created you to be.
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