Daily Devotional for January 3, 2018
Be Not Afraid

It was dark on the porch, and Cece let out a piercing scream. “Cece!” Dad exclaimed as he hurriedly opened the door. “What’s wrong?”
“Dex locked me out!” Cece’s voice shook as she spoke. “He knows I’m afraid of the dark.”
“I’m just trying to help her get over being scared,” Dex said when he saw his dad’s frown. “She just needs to get used to being by herself in the dark and she won’t be afraid of it anymore.”
“Is that right? You don’t think her screams indicate that your plan isn’t working?” Dad shut the door to the porch and locked it. “What are you scared of, Dex?”
“Nothing,” said Dex.
“You are too! You’re scared of bees and wasps,” said Cece.
“And do you think you’d get over your fears if someone locked you in a room full of bees until you got used to them?” Dad asked.
“But Dad, bees can hurt you. The dark can’t!”
“Then help Cece understand that the dark won’t hurt her,” said Dad. “Don’t terrify her!”
When Mom tucked Cece into bed that night, Cece wanted her to stay in the room for a while. “Please, Mom,” she begged. “I’m still scared.”
“Okay,” Mom said, “but just for a little while.” Several minutes later, Mom asked, “Are you asleep?”
“No,” Cece said with a yawn. “Not yet.”
“Are you afraid?” asked Mom.
“No,” said Cece. “You’re here, so I’m not scared.”
“But the light is out, and you can’t see in the dark. So how did you know I was here?”
“You said you would stay,” said Cece, “so I knew you would.”
“You know, Cece,” Mom said, “you trust Jesus as your Savior, and He said not to be afraid because He will never leave you. He doesn’t lie. Even though you can’t see Him, you can be sure He’s with you because He said He would be. He saved you and He’s always with you, so you don’t have to be afraid. Does that help at all?”
“Yes, Mom,” Cece murmured, and she drifted off to sleep. – Agnes Livezey
How about you?
Are you afraid of the dark? Or thunderstorms? Or spiders or snakes? Does it make you feel better if someone is with you when you face whatever frightens you? If you know Jesus, remember that He saved you and promises to always be with His children. When something scares you, trust Him to watch over you and never leave you alone.
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