Daily Devotional for May 28, 2022
Be Happy

“You can open your eyes now!” Liam’s mom and dad were grinning big-time as they pointed to his gift. “Happy birthday, Liam!”
Liam swallowed hard when he saw what was parked in the garage with a big red bow. He had been hinting that he wanted an electric scooter for months, hoping for a supercharged model like the one his best friend Jacob got for Christmas. This was not that. The scooter in front of him was much smaller and didn’t have folding handlebars like Jacob’s.
“Thank you.” Liam tried to sound enthusiastic, but he really wasn’t feeling it.
“Take it around the block,” said Dad. “It can go up to seven miles per hour!”
Whoopee, thought Liam. Jacob’s can go up to fifteen miles per hour, and it has cruise control and fatter tires.
Liam rode the scooter around the block, but he didn’t really enjoy it. He was too busy thinking about how much nicer Jacob’s scooter was.
That night, Liam’s mom came to his room to say good night. “Liam, do you remember the verse Pastor Joe talked about last week?”
“I remember he played that song that says ‘Be happy,’” Liam answered.
“That’s right. The verse was Philippians 4:11, where Paul talks about being content in all circumstances. We can be happy with whatever we have because we have Jesus in our lives. It’s easy for us to look around and wish we had things other people do, but the Bible warns us against doing that—the tenth commandment even tells us not to covet, which means yearning to have something that belongs to someone else. In Jesus we have salvation from sin, eternal life, and the joy and peace that come from Him always being with us, and He promises to give us everything we need. That is more than enough.”
Liam thought for a moment. “I guess I really don’t need to go faster than seven miles an hour, do I? And who uses cruise control on a scooter anyway?”
His mom smiled. “I agree one hundred percent!”
“My scooter is actually pretty awesome.” Liam smiled at his mom. “Thank you for getting it for me.”
“I’m so glad you like it.” Mom leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. “Happy birthday, Liam. Sleep well.”
-Bonnie Carr
How about you?
Are you happy with what you have? Or are you constantly wishing you had the new phone, tablet, or other gadget someone else does? God warns us against coveting, or wanting what someone else has for ourselves, because He knows whatever it is won’t satisfy us. Only Jesus can satisfy our souls. Unlike any material item, the joy and satisfaction Jesus brings us last forever! Be content in Him.
Today's Verse
Be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.” (NLT) Hebrews 13:5 NKJV
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