Daily Devotional for April 24, 2023
Battery Power

“I can stay till four-thirty,” Wren told Sara as she looked at her wristwatch. “It’s only three twenty-five, so we have over an hour.”
“Good!” Sara grinned. “That’s a cool watch you’ve got.”
“Yeah,” said Wren. “My grandma gave it to me for my birthday.”
“Well, what should we do?” asked Sara. “Want to help me with a scrapbook my mom gave me? She gave me stickers too.”
“Okay,” said Wren. “We have lots of time.” Soon the girls had papers, stickers, scissors, pictures, and scraps spread all over the table. They were having a great time when Sara’s dad walked through the room. “Hi, girls,” he said. “Having fun?”
“Sure are,” Wren replied. As he left, she turned to Sara. “Your dad’s home early today, isn’t he?” She looked at her watch. “It’s only three twenty-five.” She looked at her watch again. “Three twenty-five! That’s what it said before. My watch must have stopped! I’ve got to get home.” Wren grabbed her backpack and ran out the door.
Wren’s mom put down her phone as Wren ran into the kitchen. “Sara’s dad texted me to let me know you’d be late,” Mom told her. The clock on the wall said five-fifteen.
“I’m sorry!” Wren said, holding out her arm. “My watch is broken!”
“That’s what Sara’s dad said.” Mom checked the watch. “It probably just needs a new battery.”
Mom was right, and when she got the new battery, Wren was delighted to have her watch running as good as ever. “Batteries always remind me of God’s power,” Mom said thoughtfully. “The watch needs the battery’s power to give the right time, and we need God’s power through the Holy Spirit to be able to do the right things.”
“And we have the Holy Spirit, don’t we?” said Wren.
“Yes,” Mom replied. “After He rose from the dead, Jesus told the disciples that when He returned to His Father, the Holy Spirit would come to be with them. He lives within all those who trust Jesus as their Savior, and He helps us grow to be more like Jesus and gives us power to show others His love.”
Wren grinned. “And unlike my watch battery, God’s power never runs out!”
-Beverly Kenniston
How about you?
Do you have the Holy Spirit’s power in your life? You do if you know Jesus as your Savior. When you trusted in Jesus, His Spirit came to live in you so you would always have God’s power and presence in your life. The next time you have an opportunity to show someone kindness and point them to Jesus, remember that the Holy Spirit’s power is available to you. Trust Him to help you live out His love in your life.
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