Daily Devotional for April 25, 2020
Barney”s Treasure

Ben fidgeted in the pew. His button-up shirt felt tight. “Funerals are so boring,” he whispered to his dad, who gave him a look that Ben knew meant Be quiet.
Just then the pastor said, “Anyone who would like to share a story about Barney is welcome to come forward now.” Ben sighed and swung his legs as he watched an older man walk down the aisle. “He looks like he needs a bath,” Ben muttered, which got him another look from his dad.
In a shaky voice, the man said, “My name is Phil. I met Barney two years ago when I stole his jacket.”
Ben sat up in his seat. This should be interesting, he thought.
Phil continued, “I was cold and saw a real nice jacket on a park bench, and I took it. Later that day, a man came up to me, and I’ll never forget what he said.” Ben craned his neck to listen. “He said, ‘I’ve been looking for you all over. That’s my jacket you’re wearing.’ And then he looked me right in the eye and said, ‘Is there anything more you need to keep warm?’” Phil sniffed and wiped his eyes. “That man was Barney.”
As they walked to the car after the service, Ben asked, “Dad, I don’t get it. Why would Mr. Barney just let that man steal his jacket? That’s crazy!”
“Well, because Barney knew where his real treasure was.”
“What do you mean?” Ben asked.
“Jesus tells us to store our treasure in heaven rather than here on earth.”
“I still don’t get it,” Ben said.
“The jacket was just an earthly possession, and earthly treasures don’t last. By giving it to Phil, Barney was showing him treasure he had that could never be taken from him—the love of Jesus, who gave up everything, including His life, to save us and give us eternal life. That’s what storing treasure in heaven means—focusing on Jesus and His love for us instead of earthly things.”
“I guess Mr. Barney loved people more than he loved his jacket,” Ben said. “That’s a lot like Jesus.”
“It sure is,” said Dad. “And because Barney is with Jesus now, I know he doesn’t miss that jacket one bit!” MAGGIE AINSWORTH
How about you?
Is it hard to give away something you love to serve someone else? Jesus gave up everything to become human and die for our sins. There’s no treasure more precious than His gift of forgiveness and eternal life. When we focus on Him and show His love to others, we store up treasure that can never break or be stolen or rot. Store your treasure in heaven with Him.
Today's Verse
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