Daily Devotional for February 18, 2020
Baby’s First Steps

“I don’t know what to do about Kyla, Mom,” Iris said as she came into the house and hung up her coat. “She just called Colby a really mean name when he bumped into her on the bus. I was so glad when Kyla became a Christian last month, but now she’s driving me crazy! One day she acts like a Christian, and the next day she lies or cheats or calls people names. I feel like giving up on her.”
“I hope you won’t really give up,” said Mom. “Instead, pray for her. Pray that as Kyla gets to know Jesus better, she’ll show His love in the things she says and does each day. Be a friend and help her all you can.”
“I don’t know,” Iris muttered. “It seems hopeless!”
As Iris played with her baby brother that evening, she stood him on his feet. “Mom! Look at David! He wants to walk!” Sure enough, when Iris let go of David, he took a tottering step toward her before falling down. Iris helped him back up again. “Come here, David,” she coaxed. “Come on, buddy. You can walk!” Iris put the baby back on his feet several times, but he was never able to take more than a step or two before he tumbled to the floor.
“Better give up,” said Mom. “He’ll never be able to walk. He just keeps falling down.”
Iris looked at her mom in surprise. “Give up? What are you talking about? He just needs more time and help. Isn’t that right, David?” Iris stood him up and patiently encouraged him to walk again.
“You’re exactly right, Iris,” Mom said. “David does need more time and help—and so does Kyla. She’s a baby Christian. She’s going to need lots of encouragement as she takes those first steps in her walk with Jesus. Your encouragement will remind her that Jesus will never give up on her, even when she does things that are wrong.”
Iris held out her hands, encouraging David to walk to her again. “Okay, Mom,” she said. “I won’t give up helping David learn to walk, and I won’t give up on Kyla either.” Geri Walcott
How about you?
Do you know a “baby” Christian—someone who hasn’t been a Christian very long? Do you get annoyed when that person does things you feel a Christian shouldn’t do? Don’t give up on that person. Instead, pray for them and encourage them. Remember that Jesus will never give up on any of His children, even though we all do things that are wrong. Show that to new Christians by helping and encouraging them.
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