Daily Devotional for June 15, 2024
Baby Chicks

“Sara! Lauren!” Mom said as she walked into the twins’ bedroom. “Mimi called and said the baby chicks are going to be hatching in a couple days. She invited you both to the farm for the weekend.”
Sara and Lauren jumped up and down with excitement. They loved going out to Mimi and Pop’s farm. “I can’t wait to see the baby chicks hatch!” Sara said.
When the twins arrived at their grandparents’ farm that weekend, they eagerly followed Mimi and Pop to the barn to see the incubator set up in the feed room. When they looked inside it, Sara and Lauren counted twelve eggs.
“The eggs have to sit in the incubator for twenty-one days and then the chicks will begin to hatch,” Pop explained. “Tomorrow will be twenty-one days.”
“We’ll get up early tomorrow and see if any of the chicks have started hatching,” Mimi said.
The next morning after breakfast, the twins took off for the barn with Mimi following behind them. Pop was already out feeding some of the animals and met them at the gate.
“Good morning! Are you ready to watch some chicks hatch?” he asked.
“Yes!” the twins yelled.
Lauren and Sara peeked inside the incubator. They could hear soft peeping noises, and some of the eggs were starting to move. Before long, they saw a few little beaks and then little wet heads peeking out.
It took several hours, but by the time the twins and their grandparents had finished dinner, all the chicks had hatched. Once the chicks had fully dried off, Pop removed them from the incubator and placed them in a little pen so Sara and Lauren could hold them.
“Isn’t God’s creation wonderful?” said Mimi. “Whenever I see new life, I’m reminded of Psalm 104:24, which says, ‘O Lord, what a variety of things you have made! In wisdom you have made them all. The earth is full of your creatures.’”
“I sure am glad God made little chicks,” Lauren said as she gently ran a finger over the baby chick in her hand.
“Me too,” said Sara. “They’re so cute!”
Mimi smiled. “I’m glad God made us too—and gives us new life through Jesus.”
–Lisa Fuller
How about you?
Have you ever stopped and really looked at God’s wonderful creation? Next time you take a walk in nature, take time to notice how beautifully God made everything. He cares about His creation—especially you! He created you, and Jesus died and rose again to save you and give you new life. Let the amazing world and creatures He’s created remind you of His love.
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