Daily Devotional for November 25, 2023
Attic Adventure

“Come on, Mal,” called Bailey. “Mom said we could play in the attic. Let’s try on some of the old clothes in the trunks up there.”
The clatter of feet echoed through the halls as Bailey and Mal climbed the steep steps to the attic of the old house. Soon they had the trunks open and began trying on a variety of clothes their grandmother and mother had saved through the years. They laughed at each other as they paraded back and forth in front of a full-length mirror. “Let’s go show Mom and Dad our latest fashions,” said Mal.
Tipping an old hat to the back of her head, Bailey led the way as they trooped downstairs. Their parents laughed when the girls pranced into the living room.
“I wore those when I was a teenager,” Mom said, pointing to the thick flip-flops on Mal’s feet. “And I believe that dress belonged to my grandmother. And Bailey, that old-fashioned hat looks great with that gold purse!”
“Those styles were very popular at one time,” said Dad. “Everyone wanted them—just like everyone wants certain clothing styles today.”
Mom nodded. “When it comes to styles and trends, people often want the latest thing. That’s fine as long as we make good choices about what we wear and don’t let clothes take the place of more important things in our lives. We need to remember that our value doesn’t come from what we look like or how others see us—it comes from God creating us in His image and sending His Son to die for us.”
“Right,” said Dad. “And you know what? Trends extend to things other than clothes. Popular books, movies, activities, and even ideas come and go, and they’re not always good. We need to remember that the world changes its opinions all the time, but God never changes. He is always the same, and the truth He gives us in the Bible will never go out of style. That’s why we need to trust Him to guide us and give us wisdom in how we live our lives. Though the world is constantly changing, His love and promises will always stay the same.”
The girls nodded in agreement. “Come on, Bailey,” said Mal. “Let’s see what other things we can find in the attic.”
– Geri Walcott
How about you?
Do you like to keep up with the latest fashions? What about trends like what movies or games are popular or even what people believe about certain things? Since the world we live in is always changing, it’s important to seek God’s wisdom in all you do. What He says in His Word, the Bible, will always be true, and the love He has for you will never change. Though people’s thoughts and opinions change all the time, God will always stay the same.
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