Daily Devotional for June 12, 2017
At the Core

When Alexis got home from school, she joined her father in the small orchard behind their house. “I’ll help you pick some apples, Dad.”
“All right,” said Dad. “Did you have a good day at school?”
“It was okay,” said Alexis. She picked a small red apple from a branch and placed it in her basket. “There’s a new girl, though—her name is Marlowe. The kids say she’s kind of odd. She sure wears weird clothes!” Seeing Dad frown, Alexis hurried to change the subject. “Look!” She reached for a big red apple. “I’m hungry! I think I’ll eat this one.”
“Okay—but I see a spot up there near the stem,” said Dad. “Try this one instead.” He held out a gnarled, bumpy apple.
Alexis wrinkled her nose. “That one looks gross.” She bit deep into the apple she had chosen. “Oh, yuck!” she said, spitting it out. “It’s wormy!” She looked at the apple. “I think it goes all the way down to the core!”
Dad smiled and pulled a small knife from his pocket. He cut a slice from the apple he had offered. “Here, Alexis,” he said. “Try a bite of this.”
Alexis looked a little unsure, but she took the slice and tasted it. “Wow! That one’s really good!” she said. “It’s much better than it looks.”
Dad put the knife back in his pocket. “What the apples look like on the outside doesn’t matter as much as what’s on the inside, huh?”
Alexis shook her head. “No—and I know what you’re going to say next.”
“You do?” Dad grinned. “And what would that be?”
“That it’s like that with people too,” said Alexis. “And I need to find out what Marlowe is like on the inside and accept her for who she is, because Jesus loves her—just like He loves me.” Alexis gave Dad a sheepish grin. “Isn’t that what you were going to say?”
Dad smiled. “You got it!” he said. “I’m glad you knew it without hearing me say it.”
“It’s the inside that’s important,” said Alexis, looking at the apples in their baskets. “Well, let’s go in and see if Mom will help us make an apple pie. Then I can get some more of these good apples inside my tummy!” – Daryl B. Knauer
How about you?
Do you judge people based on how they look? Are you more friendly toward someone you consider to be good-looking? Does the amount of money a person appears to have or the color of their skin make a difference in how you treat them? No matter how a person appears on the outside, remember that Jesus loves them, and find out what they’re really like inside—you might even make a new friend!
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