Daily Devotional for April 1, 2022
April One Birthday

“Happy birthday to you,” sang Liam and Hallie as their mom brought a cake to the table. “Happy birthday, dear Dad. Happy birthday to you.”
“Blow out the candles, Dad,” said Liam.
“And don’t forget to make a wish!” added Hallie.
“All right! Let’s see…” Dad closed his eyes, took a deep breath, puffed out his cheeks, and blew. All around the cake, little lights went out. But one recovered and burned brightly again. “Oops,” said Dad, and he blew again. The candle flickered and appeared to go out, but when Dad stopped blowing, the flame came right back. He tried a third time and it happened again. “Hey, wait a minute!” he said when Liam and Hallie erupted in giggles. “That has to be a trick candle! Whose idea was it to pull a trick on your poor old dad?”
“That’s what you get for being born on April Fools’ Day,” Liam teased.
“It’s a special kind of candle that won’t blow out,” said Hallie. “It says on the box that you have to put it under water to put it out.”
“Yeah, but I’m sure I can blow it out,” Liam said. He took an extra large breath and gave it a try with no success. Then Hallie tried—and even Mom took a turn. But no one could do it.
After dinner, Dad opened his Bible for family devotions. “That special candle reminds me of what Jesus has done for us,” he said. “He rescued us from the darkness of sin and has called us to be lights in this world. We point others to Him by living out the love and grace He has shown us. But when we choose to follow selfish desires instead of living God’s way, it blows against our lights, causing them to flicker. It makes it harder for others to see the light of Jesus in us.”
“But that doesn’t mean our lights go out completely, does it, Dad?” Hallie asked.
“No,” said Dad. “Jesus has given those who trust in Him His Holy Spirit, and He will never let our flames go out. He keeps us burning and guides us in showing His light and love to others. We can depend on Him to help us shine for Jesus.”
-Hazel W. Marett
How about you?
Are you shining with the light of Jesus? He has filled us with His love so we can share His light with others. Our flames may flicker when we choose to act selfishly or listen to the world’s lies, but they will never go out because we have the Holy Spirit inside us. He helps us turn away from sin and guides us in sharing God’s love and truth with others. Trust Him to help you burn bright in this dark world.
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