Daily Devotional for October 28, 2019
Answer the Knock

“Taya, I’m going to the store,” said Mom one afternoon. “While I’m gone, I’d like you to clean your room.”
“Okay,” Taya said. She sat on the edge of her bed and looked around. It shouldn’t take too long to get this done, she thought. She got up and began to straighten the things in her closet.
As she was working, Taya heard a knock on the back door. She was standing on a chair, straightening things on the closet shelves, so she didn’t bother to answer it. A moment later there was a louder knock. It’s probably the little kids next door, she thought. I wish they wouldn’t always bother me. Taya finished the closet shelf and then picked up a cloth and began to dust her dresser. The knocking continued for a little while, but she ignored it.
When Mom returned from the store, she seemed surprised to see Taya. “Didn’t Aunt Rachel stop by for you?” Mom asked. “I saw her at the grocery store. She was just leaving to go pick up your cousins from a friend’s house and take them to a movie. She asked if you’d want to go too. I was sure you would, and I told her it would be okay.”
“Aunt Rachel!” cried Taya. “That’s who I heard knocking! I want to go to the movie with them!”
“It’s too late now,” said Mom. “Why didn’t you answer when she knocked?”
“I thought it was the neighbor kids,” said Taya. “Oh, if only I had gone to the door!”
“I’m sorry you didn’t,” said Mom, “but maybe we can go see a movie this weekend. Right now, come help me carry in the groceries.”
As they worked, Mom smiled at Taya. “Do you remember the Bible verse about Jesus knocking at your heart’s door and asking to be let in?”
Taya nodded. “I’m glad I didn’t ignore Him,” she said. “I’m glad I let Him in by trusting Him as my Savior. I wouldn’t want to miss out on that!” Ruth I. Jay
How about you?
Have you ever ignored a knock on a door and regretted it later? Did you know that Jesus is knocking at your heart’s door? He wants to come in to be your Savior and have a relationship with you. Don’t ignore Him. Someday it will be too late to let Him in, and then you will definitely regret it. Invite Jesus into your life—trust Him as your Savior now. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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