Daily Devotional for July 21, 2017
An Important Minute

Maisie groaned as another car passed their street. “You always do that, Mom!”
“Do what?” asked Mom.
“You drive up to the corner, and then you sit there forever, waiting for cars to go by—even when you have time to turn and get ahead of them!”
“Well, it would have been a little close. That car was coming fast, and I didn’t want to take a chance on having an accident,” said Mom. “That next one’s coming fast too, so we’ll wait for it.” The traffic finally cleared, and they started going again. “I know you’re eager to get to Kara’s party, honey, but we only waited a minute—an important minute.”
“Why was that minute so important?” asked Maisie.
“When driving, you don’t always have much time to make decisions,” said Mom, “so it’s better to be cautious, even if it costs you some time.” She turned onto another street. “If I had decided to move on into the traffic and timed it wrong, we could have had an accident and been hurt—or worse! Then you’d have missed Kara’s party completely. Instead, here we are, driving up Kara’s street, and you can go have fun at the party!”
Maisie sighed. “I guess you’re right.”
That evening, Maisie and her brother joined Mom and Dad for family devotions. They read from Psalm 90. “You know, Mom,” said Maisie, “that psalm reminds me of the important minute we had waiting for traffic to clear today!”
Levi cocked his head at his sister “What in the world are you talking about?”
Maisie told Dad and Levi about the conversation she’d had with Mom. “The verses we just read say our lifetime on earth is really short—like that minute when Mom waited for traffic to clear before deciding to go again,” explained Maisie. “What happened in that one minute was important, and what happens in the short time we live on earth is important too. We need to put our trust in Jesus while we’re here.”
“You’re right, Maisie,” Dad said. “Jesus is offering to save us from sin and give us a new life right now, and how we respond makes all the difference—both for our time here on earth and for all eternity.” – Patricia A. Perry
How about you?
Do you think you have lots of time to decide whether to become a Christian? Life on earth is very short, and you can’t even be sure you’ll be here tomorrow. Yet how you respond to Jesus’ offer of salvation now will affect you for eternity. Now is the time to trust in Jesus as your Savior. Don’t wait another minute! (See “The ABCs of Salvation” on the right column of this page..)
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