Daily Devotional for July 18, 2024
Always the Same

When Jake’s parents got divorced, Mason saw his friend cry for the first time. Jake was frustrated and confused and didn’t know how he was going to make it through things, and Mason didn’t know how to help him. The more time he spent with Jake, the more worried Mason got about his own parents and what might happen to them.
“Are you and Dad going to get divorced?” Mason asked his mom one evening as she was making supper.
Mom’s brows lowered. “No, honey.”
“But how do you know that?” Mason asked. “What if you get in a big fight like Jake’s parents?”
Mom stopped chopping vegetables and put an arm around him. “Life feels uncertain at times, doesn’t it? Especially when you see someone you care about going through hard things.”
She walked him to the table and sat down beside him. “Your dad and I are not getting divorced,” she said firmly. “I know it’s hard to see Jake go through his parents’ divorce, but you can be there for him. He has a great friend in you, and he has an even better friend in Jesus. His parents are still going to be there for him too. Even if they’re not both around all the time, they still love him.”
Mason nodded. “That’s what I tried to tell him. I’m trying to help him, but I just got scared thinking about you and Dad.”
“I’m sorry.” Mom hugged him. “Life can be really confusing and scary sometimes. But one thing that remains the same through it all is God. He never changes, even when things change in your family or around you. Jesus promises never to leave those who trust in Him. Even when everything seems to be falling apart, He is with us, giving us strength, peace, and comfort. He is the same today as He was yesterday, and He’ll be the same when you wake tomorrow too.”
“I’ll tell that to Jake. I think it might make him feel better too.” Mason got up with a new feeling of peace inside. It was great to know that no matter what else changed in life, God never would. Even if he faced sad or scary things, Jesus would be with him. And Jesus would be with Jake too.
–Bethany Acker
How about you?
Have you had to face a big change or difficult event in your life? Or perhaps a friend or family member is going through something tough and it’s making you feel afraid. When scary or difficult things take place in life, remember that God is always the same. No matter what happens, His love for you won’t change, and He won’t ever leave you. Trust Him to be with you, and remind other Christians that He’s with them too.
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