Daily Devotional for March 22, 2017
All You Have to Do Is Ask

Sarah groaned as she hunched over her math textbook. Mom looked up from her computer. “What’s wrong, honey?” she asked. “You seem upset.”
“I have a test tomorrow, and I’ve got to make a B to stay on the honor roll. I’ve tried and tried, but I just can’t get these problems!” She threw down her pencil in frustration. “Plus, I messed up at basketball practice this afternoon. There’s no way Coach will let me start at the game next week. And did I mention that I don’t have many friends?” Sarah pressed her face into her hands. “Nothing is going right!”
“I’m sorry, honey.” Mom stood from the kitchen table. “Do you want a snack?”
“Sure, Mom. Ice cream, maybe? And a soda?”
Mom opened the refrigerator. “Have you talked to God about these problems?”
Sarah shrugged. “I guess. But it’s like He’s not even listening.”
Mom set a glass on the table and unscrewed a bottle of vinegar. She poured vinegar into the glass. Then she cracked a raw egg into a bowl and set it in front of Sarah.
“Mom!” cried Sarah. “What are you doing?”
Mom smiled and took away the dishes. “I’m your mother, and I love you. So I wouldn’t actually give you vinegar and a raw egg when you asked for a snack, right?”
“Right,” said Sarah hesitantly.
“Well, God loves you even more than a parent could. When we ask God for something, we should trust that He will give us what’s best. After all, He’s already given us the best thing of all—Jesus!” Mom placed a glass of milk and a peanut butter sandwich on the table. “Now, here’s your real snack.”
Sarah looked at the healthy food. “That’s not what I asked for.”
“No, it’s not,” said Mom. “But it’s good for you. And God gives you good things.”
Sarah picked up her sandwich. “Even if it’s not exactly what I wanted?”
“That’s right,” said Mom. “He loves to give us good gifts, but sometimes what we ask for isn’t what’s best for us. But He still gives us good things—like when you didn’t have any friends and He brought you Hailey and Melissa, remember? All you have to do is ask.” – Jennifer Dillard
How about you?
What do you worry about? Friends? School? Sports? Family? Our lives can be stressful, and sometimes our worries can feel overwhelming. But we don’t have to tackle our problems alone. Jesus told us that we should bring our problems to Him, and He will give us good things. Pray that God will help you with whatever is worrying you today.
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