Daily Devotional for October 30, 2022
All the Same

“Dad!” Quentin ran into the kitchen. “Tell Chloe not to put the little animals in the Noah’s ark until the big ones are in. That’s how I do it. They fit better that way. Why can’t she do things like I do?”
“Because I’m different,” argued Chloe, following her brother. “You’re always telling me how I should play games or put puzzles together or color or…or do whatever I’m doing. You think everybody has to do things your way!”
“There’s more than one good way to do most things, Quentin,” Dad said as he put plates on the table. “Now go tell your mom supper is ready.” Quentin scowled and went to get his mother.
After prayer, Dad watched as Quentin put various foods on his plate. “Quentin, should I put all that in the blender for you?” asked Dad.
Quentin looked puzzled. “In the blender? Why?”
“The grains of rice, the chicken, and the carrots and broccoli not only look different, they all taste different too. If I put them in the blender, everything will come out looking and tasting the same,” Dad explained.
“Yuck! I like them all different,” said Quentin.
Dad smiled. “So do I. The differences make the food more interesting and enjoyable. That’s true about people too. God didn’t make people to be the same, like robots. He gave us different personalities, talents, and abilities.”
“Yeah, Quentin,” said Chloe. “I’m not the same as you!”
“None of us are the same,” said Dad. “God made us all different, and we bring glory to Jesus both individually and as His body of believers, the church, through the different ways we do things and help one another. Don’t you think that’s a good thing, Quentin? Would you really want everybody to be the same and do everything the same way?”
Mom shook her head in confusion. “Did I miss something here?”
“I think our son is discovering the beauty of having everyone be different,” Dad explained. “Right, Quentin?”
“I guess so,” Quentin said. Then he grinned. “But there are some things that are better when they’re blended.”
“Like what?” Chloe asked.
“Milkshakes!” Quentin stated triumphantly.
-Tanya Ferdinandusz
How about you?
Do you accept people who are different from you? Are you patient with those who do things differently? Remember that all Christians are part of the body of believers. Each part of a body—the hand, the foot, the eye, and so on—looks and functions differently, but each part is important. Similarly, each person looks, thinks, and acts in a different way and has different skills and talents. But each one is precious and important to God.
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