Daily Devotional for July 20, 2018
All Roads Lead to Rome (Part 2)

After enjoying a picnic lunch, Uncle Don pointed toward the paths around the picnic area. “Do you remember which path we took to get here?”
“It was the one by the swings,” Kinley said.
Elliot disagreed. “It was the one by that flowering bush.”
“Nuh-uh! I remember seeing the swings right away,” Kinley insisted.
“But I definitely remember being on the other side of that bush!” Elliot shot back.
Uncle Don laughed. “Let’s try an experiment. You each sincerely believe you’re right, don’t you?”
“Yes!” shouted both of the children.
“All right. How about you each try your path, and we’ll see who’s right. I’ll walk with Elliot, and Aunt Sue can walk with Kinley. Whoever finds the car can text the other group on my or Aunt Sue’s phone. If no one finds the car, meet back here in fifteen minutes.”
The kids agreed, and off they went. Fifteen minutes later, they were back at the picnic spot. “I can’t believe neither of us found the car!” Kinley said. “Uncle Don, do you know where it is?”
Uncle Don smiled. “Follow me.”
They followed Uncle Don down a path near some wild flowers, and after a few minutes, they saw he was right.
“There’s the car!” yelled Elliot.
“How did you know, Uncle Don?” Kinley asked.
Uncle Don held up his phone. “I have an app that can always tell me where my car is parked. It showed me which path to take.”
“That’s kind of like what we were talking about earlier—about how the Bible shows us the only path to heaven,” Elliot said.
Uncle Don nodded. “You both were very sincere in believing that the path you chose would lead to the car, but your sincerity didn’t help you. You can also be very sincere about the path you choose to try to get to heaven, but unless you choose the right one, your sincerity won’t help you get there either. My phone showed me the truth about where the car was parked, and God’s Word shows us the truth about how to get to heaven. There’s no other way to have eternal life except through Jesus. He’s the one and only way to heaven.” – Harry C. Trover
How about you?
Do you know the way to heaven? Do you think the way to get there is by going to church, saying prayers, or doing good things? Those things may seem like the right way to both you and others, but the Bible says Jesus is the only way. Trust in Him and know that you’re on the road to heaven. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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