Daily Devotional for November 28, 2017
All Messed Up

“It’s not fair!” Jasmine was almost in tears. “I shouldn’t have to move away from all my friends! It’s bad enough Dad walked out on us.”
Mom sighed. “I know, honey, but I just can’t afford this place all by myself. It will be less expensive for us to live with Grandma for a while. There’s a very good school not far from her house, and it will be nice to have Grandma there for Kyler when he gets home from kindergarten.”
“But I don’t know anybody at that school,” said Jasmine.
Just then the back door opened, and Kyler came in crying. “I fell,” he said between sobs, “and I hurt my knee. My pants got all messed up too.”
Jasmine looked at Kyler’s torn jeans. “Messed up is right.” She frowned and crossed her arms in frustration. “Just like my life.”
Mom gave Kyler a hug and gently bandaged his sore knee. “There,” she said, “does that feel better? Now, let’s see what we can do about these torn pants. They’re too good to throw away.”
“He could just wear them ripped,” said Jasmine. “Lots of kids do.” Mom smirked and shook her head.
“Well, then you could cut the legs off and wear them as shorts,” Jasmine suggested, turning to her little brother. She didn’t like to see him upset. “They’ll be better than ever, Kyler.”
“Yeah!” Kyler grinned. “Can I have shorts, Mom?”
“We’ll see,” Mom said. “One way or another, we’ll make something good of your messed-up pants.”
When Kyler went to change his clothes, Mom turned to Jasmine. “You said having to move because Dad left was making your life all messed up, just like Kyler’s pants, right?” Jasmine frowned and nodded. “And you don’t know how to fix it—but God does,” Mom went on gently. “Trust Him to take your messed-up life—and mine—and build a whole new life for us. It won’t be exactly the same as the life we knew before, but God can make it beautiful and good. Jesus has already given us a new, beautiful life in Him, and we can trust Him to lead us through all the messes we go through. He’ll never leave us.” – Hazel W. Marett
How about you?
Does it seem like everything has gone wrong in your life? That things will never be the same again? Perhaps that’s true—but just because things won’t ever be the same again doesn’t mean they won’t be good again. God has promised to work all things for good in the lives of those who trust in Jesus, and He’ll never leave you. Trust Him to work out His good plans.
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