Daily Devotional for November 1, 2020
All Creatures Great and Small
“I sure don’t like spiders, do you?” Alana asked her friend Summer. A spider had stretched its web across a section of fence in Alana’s backyard, and the girls had gone to look at it.
“Ugh! No! I hate those things!” Summer shuddered. “They’re creepy.”
“The web sure is pretty though,” observed Alana as they studied it. All the silvery strands of the beautifully constructed web were connected to make a lacy pattern. Dew drops on the web sparkled in the morning sun.
“How do spiders know how to make such a pretty web?” Summer wondered aloud.
Alana shrugged. “I don’t know,” she said.
Just then an insect buzzed around their heads. When Alana swatted at it, the bug flew into the web. Quick as a wink, the spider dashed out from a corner of the web and spun strands of webbing around the insect until it was held tightly.
“Wow! Did you see how fast that spider moved?” asked Summer.
“Yeah. It sure didn’t take long to make a prisoner of that bug,” replied Alana. “Good thing too—that bug might have stung us!”
“Bugs can hurt us in other ways too,” said Summer. “Some eat garden plants, and some carry diseases. Every bug that’s caught by a spider is one less that can hurt us.”
Alana nodded. “My mom says God created everything for a purpose.”
“I guess spiders are good for something after all!” said Summer. “God knew we’d need them.”
“Yeah,” said Alana. “Mom says He made everything good and for a purpose. But when sin came into the world, it changed things that were good and caused bad things to happen. That’s why now there are bugs that can sting us and diseases that make us sick. But one day, Jesus will make everything right again, and all the bad stuff will be gone. Spiders won’t look icky to us at all then!”
Summer grinned. “Does that means we should be thankful for them now?”
Alana laughed. “Now, that’s going to take some practice,” she said, “but I’ll try!” • Carolyn E. Yost
How about you?
Have you ever thanked God for spiders? In their own quiet way, they help people every day. Other creatures you probably don’t like have a purpose too. For instance, bats eat mosquitos that can spread diseases to people. What other examples can you think of? Realizing that everything is good for something will help you appreciate the greatness of God and all He has made. Thank Him for making everything for a purpose and for His promise to one day restore all of His creation to the way He intended it to be.
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