Daily Devotional for December 14, 2020
All Better

Taylor watched as her little sister, Brianna, put her baby doll in its cradle. “Night-night,” Brianna said, covering the doll with a blanket. She set three more dolls on her bed. “One, two, three,” she counted. “That’s how many old I am!”
Taylor laughed. “Yes, Brianna, you’re three. You’re so big!”
Brianna beamed, but her smile quickly faded when Luna, their puppy, bounded into the room and snatched one of Brianna’s dolls off the bed. “No!” yelled Brianna. “Give back my dolly!” She caught hold of one of her doll’s arms, but Luna thought it was a game. She held on tight and shook her head back and forth. There was a loud ripping sound.
Taylor stepped in and got the doll out of the dog’s mouth. The doll’s arm had nearly come off, and some stuffing had fallen out.
“Luna’s naughty!” cried Brianna. She looked at her sister. “Can I have a bandage for my dolly?”
Taylor looked at the doll. “A bandage won’t make her arm better, Brianna.”
“A bandage made my finger better,” Brianna said.
Taylor shook her head. “The bandage didn’t really heal your sore finger. It just kept it nice and clean.”
“Then how did it get better?” asked Brianna.
“God made it better,” said Taylor. “He created us in a wonderful way so that when our bodies get hurt, they’re usually able to fight off germs and infections so they can heal.”
Brianna frowned. “Usually?”
Taylor nodded. “Sometimes our bodies can get really sick and are not able to get better on their own. In those cases, God might use doctors or medicine or even a miracle to heal us. But even if He chooses not to heal us right away, we still need to trust Him. Jesus promises to give us new bodies one day that will never get hurt or sick!”
Brianna looked worried. “Does my dolly need a new body?”
Taylor smiled and gently put the doll into Brianna’s arms. “No—she’ll be just fine. Let’s go ask Mom to sew her arm back on.”
“I’m glad Mommy can make my dolly all better,” Brianna said. “And I’m even gladder that God can make me all better too!” • Pat L. Rennie
How about you?
Have you thanked God for giving you a wonderful body that can heal? Thank Him for the doctors and medicine He often uses to help you when you’re not well, but remember that God alone has the power to heal. Trust Him to heal you if that’s what’s best for you. If you don’t see healing taking place, continue to trust Him anyway. If you know Him as your Savior, He healed you from the disease of sin, and He promises to fully heal your body one day too.
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