Daily Devotional for July 1, 2019
Added Blessings

Paige rubbed her eyes hard. Don’t be a baby, she told herself. So you won’t go to summer camp this year. That’s no reason to cry. She stuffed the camp brochure into her pocket, closed the mailbox, and went into the house.
“Is that you, Tom?” called her mother.
“No, it’s me,” Paige said as she walked into the room.
“I thought it might be your dad. He’s gone to interview for a job.”
“Won’t do any good,” Paige said. “He’s interviewed for a bunch already.”
“Sooner or later he’ll find one,” Mom replied.
Paige dumped the mail onto the coffee table, then took the camp brochure out of her pocket. “Why doesn’t God give Dad a job? We’re God’s children. I thought He took care of His children.”
“He does, Paige,” said Mom. “The bills are paid. We have our home and each other. There may not be money for extras like summer camp this year, but God has given us many benefits.”
They both looked up as Dad came in. “Well, the interview went well!” he said with a smile. “The pay is good, and the benefits are great! Let’s pray that this will be the right job for me.”
“We’ll definitely pray about that!” said Mom.
“What are benefits?” asked Paige.
“They’re things like medical insurance, a retirement plan, paid holidays, and sick leave,” Dad explained.
Paige looked puzzled. “Well, what did you mean when you said God has given us many benefits, Mom? He doesn’t give us insurance and sick leave.”
“Job benefits are things businesses offer their workers in addition to the wage they earn at their jobs,” Mom replied. “When it comes to us and God, we don’t earn anything—our salvation was paid for by Jesus on the cross. But along with the free gift of eternal life, He gives His children additional blessings—love, joy, peace, His promise to supply all our needs, things like that. Even though we may go through hard times, we can remember the blessing of salvation and all the other benefits He gives us.”
Paige thought it over. “I guess I need to remember all the blessings He’s given me,” she said, “whether Dad gets this job or not.” Barbara J. Westberg
How about you?
Have you thought about all the benefits—the added blessings—God gives you? Or are you so busy looking at what you don’t have that you forget to be thankful for what God has provided for you? God has given you eternal life through His Son, Jesus, and blesses you with benefits every day. Make a list of at least five blessings God has given you. Then stop and thank Him for them.
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