Daily Devotional for August 10, 2021
Aches and Pains (Part 2)
Mom brought Noah some hot broth and raspberry gelatin for lunch. “This should feel good on your throat,” she said as she sat down beside him.
“Jesus understands,” Noah read as he looked at a little card Mom had placed on his tray. “Mom, do you think Jesus was ever sick when He lived on earth?”
“Well, He experienced a lot of the same things we do,” Mom said. Picking up her Bible, she opened it to the book of Matthew. “Here, in chapter four, it says Jesus was hungry. That’s something we experience.”
“I’m sure not hungry today though,” said Noah with a wry smile.
“Not today, maybe,” said Mom. “But you’ll feel hungry when you’re better. Do you think Jesus ever got thirsty?”
“I guess He did,” Noah replied. “He asked a Samaritan woman to let Him have a drink of water once, didn’t He? And on the cross, Jesus said He was thirsty.”
“Right,” said Mom. “How about tired? Did He get tired too?”
“Well…one time He fell asleep in a boat during a big storm. He must have been really tired! It would be hard to sleep while the boat was bouncing around on big waves.”
“Good thinking,” Mom said. “Now…do you think He was ever sad?”
“Yeah, I think so,” said Noah. “He was sad when Lazarus died. The Bible says, ‘Jesus wept.’ My teacher said that’s the shortest verse in the Bible.”
“Right again,” said Mom. “So we know there were times when Jesus was hungry, thirsty, tired, and sad. I don’t know any place where the Bible says Jesus was ever sick, but it does say He was like us.” She paused. “There’s one way He wasn’t like us though. Do you know what that is?”
“Uh…oh, I know! We sin, but Jesus never did.”
“That’s right. He was tempted to sin, like we are, but He never gave in to temptation. Because He never sinned, He was able to take the punishment for our sin on the cross so we could be saved.”
Noah nodded thoughtfully. “So He was a lot like me when He was growing up, and He probably did get sick sometimes.” Noah gave his mom a little smile. “I’m glad He understands how I feel.” -Carolyn E. Yost
How about you?
Do you ever wonder if Jesus really understands you and your problems? Jesus is God, but because He had to become like us in order to die for our sins, He is also human. When He was on earth, He experienced the same needs and hardships you do. He understands how you feel. He knows exactly what you’re going through, and He cares.
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