Daily Devotional for August 24, 2024
Aches and Pains

“Hi, Mom!” called Adalyn when she got home from school. She found her mother staring out the window, a sad expression on her face. “What’s wrong?” asked Adalyn.
Mom sighed. “Aunt Mary called. They heard from your cousin Mackenzie for the first time since she left home.”
“That’s good, isn’t it?” asked Adalyn. “They finally know where she is and that she’s okay, right?”
“Yes, she called from some place in Texas,” answered Mom. “But Mackenzie is making a terrible mistake. My heart aches for her and for Aunt Mary and Uncle John.” Adalyn noticed tears in Mom’s eyes.
“Well, I’m sorry for them too, but what can we do about it?” asked Adalyn. “Mackenzie’s always had a lot of problems, and she won’t listen to anyone.” She turned and walked out of the room.
A moment later, Adalyn let out a loud wail. “Ohhh!” she cried. “Ouch!”
“Adalyn! What happened?” Mom hurried to the kitchen where Adalyn crouched on the floor, clutching her foot.
“I slammed my toe into that chair leg,” moaned Adalyn. “It hurts so bad!”
Mom got an ice pack for Adalyn’s injured toe. “That helps,” said Adalyn after applying the ice. “But it still hurts a lot.”
“I’m sorry,” said Mom. “Just sit still until it feels better.” She gave Adalyn a confused look. “But why such a fuss? It’s just a little toe.”
Adalyn blinked in surprise. “It makes me hurt all over!” she wailed.
Mom nodded and smiled a little. “I know it does. Your cousin is like that little toe. Mackenzie’s trouble brings pain to all the members of her family.”
Adalyn thought about it. “I guess you’re right. But what can we do to help Aunt Mary and Uncle John?”
“We can pray for them,” said Mom. “Whether it’s for sore toes or broken hearts, Christians can pray for each other as we face sin and brokenness in our lives. Since Jesus brought us into God’s family by dying for our sins, the pain and burdens of our brothers and sisters in Christ affect us too, whether we realize it or not. And we can also pray for Mackenzie. Jesus loves her, and we can trust Him to help us show her that we love her too.”
-Phyllis I. Klomparens
How about you?
Are you sensitive to the feelings of others? Or do you not pay much attention to other people’s problems? God wants you to care about what others are going through, just like He cares about what you’re going through. Christians are all part of His family, which the Bible calls the body of Christ. When one part of the body hurts, it affects all of us. Pray for those who are hurting, and do what you can to comfort them and show them you care.
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