Daily Devotional for August 25, 2020
A Tiny Light

“Mom!” Jaden yelled as he entered the house.
“I’m in the laundry room,” called Mom.
Jaden went to tell Mom the exciting news. “Kalil’s family invited me to go with them to Mammoth Cave next Friday. Can I? Please?” Jaden’s family had recently moved to Kentucky, and Kalil was a new friend he had met at school.
“Sounds like fun,” said Mom. “I’m sure it will be fine.” She smiled. “Why don’t you ask Kalil if he’d like to stay here overnight next Saturday and come to church with us in the morning?”
“Well…I guess I could,” said Jaden, but he wasn’t so sure he wanted to. He’d heard Kalil make some unkind remarks about kids at school who went to church. Jaden sighed. If I tell Mom, she’ll remind me of the verses we read this morning about letting our lights shine for Jesus so others can know His love for them, he thought. But I’m just one person. I’m not sure the little light I could give would make much of a difference.
The trip with Kalil’s family was as much fun as Jaden expected. Exploring the cave was a real adventure. When the group reached a room deep in the cave, the tour guide flipped a switch and turned out all the lights in the area. “I want you to experience total darkness,” she said as the cave went inky black.
“Are you there, Jaden?” whispered Kalil.
“Yeah, I’m here,” Jaden whispered back.
Then the tour guide turned on a tiny flashlight, and every eye focused on it. As they stood there, Jaden was surprised at the huge difference that one little light made.
On the drive home, Jaden thought about the tiny light. I guess knowing Jesus makes me give off more light than I thought, he admitted to himself. “Kalil,” he said finally, “you wanna stay overnight at my house tomorrow and go to church with us on Sunday morning? Mom said it would be fine with her.”
Kalil was quiet as he thought about it. Then he grinned and nodded. “Sure,” he agreed. “I’ll ask my mom.”
Jaden grinned back and thought, Maybe my small light will end up making a difference after all. • Esther M. Bailey
How about you?
Does your light—the reflection Jesus’ love in your life—seem very small to you? Don’t forget that even a small light makes a big difference in a dark place. Trust Jesus to help you let your light shine for Him. Maybe it will be by talking to someone about Him, inviting a friend to church, or just being kind and helpful. You may be surprised at the difference your light makes.
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