Daily Devotional for July 1, 2022
A Strong Hand

“Want this quarter, Madison? You can have it if you can get it.” Madison’s older brother Tobias held out his hand, palm up, with a quarter in it.
Madison hesitated, knowing how her big brother loved to tease, but Tobias just stood smiling at her. She walked slowly toward him. When she was close, she made a sudden, quick lunge for his hand. But just as quickly, Tobias’s fist closed over the quarter, and the battle was on.
There was a lot of laughing and squealing as Madison tried to open Tobias’s fist. “I got two fingers up,” she panted in glee. “I’m gonna get it!” But a moment later, Tobias’s fingers were down again. The quarter was as secure as ever.
“Okay, you two,” their mom said at last. “I don’t think you’re going to get that quarter, Madison. And Tobias—you shouldn’t be teasing your sister.”
“Teasing her?” Tobias slapped his forehead in mock dismay. “I’m not teasing her. I’m just teaching her an important lesson like any good brother would do.”
“Oh yeah?” said Madison. “What lesson would that be?”
“Well, you know the verse we talked about in church last week—the one about nobody being able to snatch us out of God’s hand?” Tobias grinned. “I just gave you a demonstration of what a safe place a hand can be.”
“Hey, not bad!” said Mom. “Tobias is a lot stronger than you are, Madison, and God is much stronger than anybody or anything. You couldn’t force Tobias’s hand open, although there are lots of people who could. But nobody—not even Satan—is strong enough to open God’s hand.” She smiled at Tobias. “That was a great illustration of how those who belong to Jesus are safe and secure in God’s hand.”
Tobias grinned at his sister. “And to show you what a good brother I am—here!” He started to toss the quarter to Madison, but stopped. “No. Wait a minute. Giving you the quarter would ruin my illustration of how safe you are in God’s hand—because Jesus won’t ever give you away.” He paused. “But…” He took a bill from his pocket. “Here’s a dollar instead.”
“All right!” said Madison. “That’s even better!” -Hazel W. Marett
How about you?
Aren’t you glad God holds His children securely? You may get discouraged about things that happen, but Jesus loves you and holds on to you. He won’t ever let you go. You are His. When you do something wrong or go through hard times, Satan may tell you God doesn’t love you anymore, but that’s not true. God loves you, and if you know Jesus as your Savior, you’re His forever. He will always keep you safely in His hand.
Today's Verse
My Father, who has given them [believers] to Me [Jesus], is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. (NKJV) John 10:29 NKJV
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