Daily Devotional for July 24, 2019
A Steadfast Witness

“I’m never going to invite Jose to church again,” Declan told his dad while they were out walking the dog. He threw a stick. “Fetch, Rusty! Go get it!” he called, and his dog bounded after the stick.
“Why won’t you invite Jose again?” Dad asked.
“Because I’ve invited him three times already, and he always says no.” Declan took the stick from Rusty and tossed it again.
Dad was quiet for a moment. “Have you ever heard of the word steadfast, Declan?”
“No. What does that mean?” asked Declan.
“It means to stand firm. In the Bible, the early Christians are described as being steadfast. Perhaps it’s the reason many people were brought into the church. Christians today need to be steadfast too.” Dad watched Rusty dash after another stick Declan threw out. “Think about the way you trained Rusty, for example. How long did it take you to teach him to fetch? Just one try? Three? Or even more?”
“Way more than that, Dad,” said Declan.
Dad nodded. “And how long has it been since you accepted Jesus as your Savior?”
Declan looked up at his father in surprise. “I don’t know exactly. About a year, I guess.”
“Well, before that, how often did you hear the gospel at church or from Mom and me?”
Declan shrugged. “I heard it over and over. It seems like I’ve known it all my life.” He hesitated. If people told me about Jesus only three times and then quit, maybe I wouldn’t be a Christian now, he thought.
“I guess I’m giving up on Jose too soon,” Declan admitted. “I should keep inviting him and be patient, like I was with Rusty and like you were with me.”
“Good idea,” said Dad. “But first, keep being a good friend to him and showing Him God’s love and what He means to you. Then, one day, he might show interest in coming to church. But even if he doesn’t, be patient, and keep praying for him. We need to be patient with others the way Jesus is with us. He’ll help you be a witness to His love and grace and tell others about Him, even when you don’t see any results.” Ruth I. Jay
How about you?
Do you know people who need Jesus? Have you told them what He’s done for you? Do you consistently show them His love in your words and actions? Stand firm in witnessing and praying for your friends and family. Even if you don’t see results right away—or ever—you never know how God might use your influence to bring someone to Him. Be a steadfast witness, and leave the results to the Lord.
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