Daily Devotional for September 4, 2020

A Slow Start

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
A Slow Start

Today's Verse

Psalm 119:14-18 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

“I. love going on a walk with you every afternoon,” Ruby told her grandfather.

“I feel like I missed out by not joining you sooner like I said I would. I knew walking would be good for me and being with you would be fun, but I had a hard time getting started.”

“I understand,” Grandpa assured her. “I’ve had that kind of problem myself.”

“You didn’t start walking as soon as you should have either?” Ruby asked.

Grandpa smiled. “Actually, I was thinking of something else I had trouble starting—reading my Bible.”

“Reading your Bible?” Ruby asked in disbelief. “You read it every day, don’t you?”

“I do now, but years ago I had a hard time getting myself to read it regularly, even though I knew I should. After I finally made it a part of my morning routine, it became natural and important to me—almost like breathing or eating. Reading it every day helps me remember that I belong to Jesus and need to trust and obey Him. Now I look forward to spending time with Jesus each day and listening to what He says to me through His Word.”

Ruby sighed. “I don’t do very well at reading the Bible either. I’ve started a few times, but after a couple of days, I seem to forget.”

“Did you read just a little each day?” asked Grandpa.

“Well…no,” said Ruby. “Harrison wanted to read the whole Bible through in a year, and I didn’t want him to get ahead of me. So I tried to read as much as he did.” “Try it again, but this time start slowly,” Grandpa suggested. “When you decide to walk or jog regularly, you don’t go three miles the first day. You start with a short distance, do it regularly, and add the miles gradually. Learning to read your Bible is something like that. Instead of trying to read whole chapters, read just a few verses at a time and think about how they apply to you. Set aside a little time each day to spend with Jesus in His Word. Once it becomes a habit, you can gradually add more verses.”

“Okay,” Ruby said. “I’ll start as soon as I get home.” • Ruth I. Jay

How about you?

Have you found it difficult to get in the habit of reading your Bible? Don’t give up. Try again. Why not begin with the short Bible passage given with each Keys for Kids story? Read the verses and think about what Jesus is saying to you. What do you think He wants you to remember as you go about your day? Start small so you can make reading His Word a normal part of your life.

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