Daily Devotional for July 15, 2018

A Sharp Sword

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
A Sharp Sword

Today's Verse

Ephesians 6:13-17; Hebrews 4:12-13 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

“We had a missionary from Guatemala in my class today,” Maverick said as his family drove home from church. “Mr. Munroe showed us a machete. It was big—and he said it was very sharp.”

“What’s a shetty?” asked Maverick’s little sister.

“Not shetty, Charis—MA-che-te,” Maverick corrected her. “It’s something like a sword. It can be used as a weapon, but Mr. Munroe said people in Guatemala use machetes to whack tall grasses and scoop out clumps of dirt when they’re planting crops. They use them to cut sugar cane and other plants too.” He smiled. “They sound really useful. I’d like to have one!”

“What would you do with it?” asked Charis. “You don’t need a shet…a mush…a sword. Why don’t they just call it a sword?”

Dad chuckled. “We have several swords in our house,” he said. “Did you know that?”

“Yeah,” said Mom. “In fact, you each own one.”

Charis couldn’t believe that. “No, we don’t! I definitely don’t have a sword, and neither does Maverick.”

“Yes, you do!” Dad said. “Maverick has one in his hand right now.”

Charis looked at the Bible Maverick was holding. “That’s a Bible!”

Dad grinned. “Right. And the Bible is called the sword of the Spirit. It can cut through the lies and excuses we tell ourselves and point out our sin.”

Mom nodded. “For instance, before I became a Christian, I thought I was better than everyone else. I’d look at people and be glad my life wasn’t like theirs. But then a friend gave me a Bible, and when I started reading it, I realized I wasn’t good at all. God’s Word showed me all the ways I’d sinned against Him and how I could only be saved through Jesus. It’s what led me to put my trust in Him. Now whenever I read the Bible, I’m reminded of what Jesus has done for me and how I need to trust Him in every situation.”

“So you see,” said Dad, “the Bible really is sharp—sharp enough to pierce our hearts and show us how much we need Jesus.” – Janice M. Jones

How about you?

Have you ever been convicted of something as you read the Bible? Did it cut through your defenses and show you sin in your life? The Bible can pierce our hearts and show us our sin, but it also tells us how Jesus died so we could be saved. Trust Him to free you from sin. (Click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page to learn more.) Then keep reading the Bible and remembering His promises.

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